Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, November 12, 2010

Autumn Is Waning

My favorite season is almost over, and we are headed quickly toward my favorite holiday.  I try so hard not to skip Thanksgiving.  I read somewhere yesterday that someone thinks this time of year should be called "Christgiving."  A blend of Christmas and Thanksgiving!
 This morning was frosty again...the colors are waning, but there still is beauty all around.

 Like my front walk way....

 Water frozen in the bird bath...

 My burning bush...
 Frozen leaves in the grass...

 This is a tulip tree, I loved it's silhouette this morning...

 The willows are barren...

 A few maple leaves still hanging on.

And these pretty leaves on the bush...

I am off today for groceries...Emily is going with me.  We haven't had much time together this summer and fall as she was working at the maze and then at a local theater.  This on top of doing school work for her senior year.  She is a busy girl.  I adore her.  So we are going out to day and will have some fun while doing our chores!

Lindsay will be holding down the fort here - and guiding the little folk in their schoolwork.  I think their is a nature walk in the works and a study of leaves.

I have so much work to do outside.  I have plants to cut back and prep for winter, where did the autumn go?  We are enjoying glorious weather that is supposed to last through the weekend.  Perhaps I will get the gardens prepped tomorrow.  

Enjoy your day!


Tracy said...

I do hope that you and Emily have a marvelous time together!

Melissa G said...

Autumn is almost over. =(
But winter holds a beauty all its own.

carla said...

Saw your comment on Coffee, Tea, Books and Me about the authors and stopped by your blog for a short visit.

You have really lovely photos!

About having comment moderation: I've only been blogging for shortly over one year, but disagreeable comments are something that I haven't had to deal with yet - Thank the Lord! When I see them - rarely - left on someone's blog I always think how sad. It's like going to someone's house and insulting them.

There have been plenty of blogs that I've visited and didn't agree with or that I found distasteful. I simply leave and don't go back. Only twice (that I remember) have I left comments that disagreed with the author. It was after an election and their post was unexpected because it was a homemaking blog not a political one. Authors are entitled to say whatever they like on their blogs and maybe I shouldn't have (even politely) disagreed. Since the shoe is on the other foot and now I'm a blogger myself, I see how much it can be disturbing to get contrary comments.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...