Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Fest!

 Every year we host a fall fest on Reformation Day.  When it is not on a Sunday, we have everyone come in the late afternoon, roast hot dogs, have a bonfire, look through Grandpa's telescope, and generally have a good time.

 With Reformation Day being on a Sunday, everyone came over after church!  We had soups, stews, yummy breads, desserts, hot cider, coffee...we ladies even managed to be all inside at the same time today and enjoyed tea time together - along with a few sweet little sisters.  The younger one who is 3 years old was so thrilled to be having a "tea pah-ty."  

Tim gave hay rides in the pasture!  This was a hit and probably the highlight of the day! The boys and some of the men had a good football game this afternoon...then we did some English Country Dancing, then another hay ride!  After that it was time for hot dog roasting and s'mores!

 What a wonderful day we was such fun.  It is such a delight to see new families come into our church and feel at home...

 During the hay rides Sandy and Cheyenne would run after the trailer - trying to get to the hay...anytime we stopped they would be eating off the bales!  Crazy!

 Lots of fellowship with lots of ages of people....just how we like it!

 I love this girl!

 Pretty fire...the weather was a bit breezy but otherwise so beautiful!  We were so thankful for such a wonderful day!

 Kamryn had a great time, too!

 Here is the wild hay ride driver!  I love this man!

 Miss Sue was not mad...she and I had a great time together on this ride...we laughed and laughed!  She was holding onto Molly who had a great time, too!

 Even the "big boys" had fun on Tim's hay rides!  Rachel kept telling me it felt like when we were on the boat in Canada...she was right!

 Here are two photos from Saturday....our little coop that looks like a Swiss Chalet...we are going to clean it and paint it to match the barn...

Our Rhodies on their way to their new home!  They have settled in very well...we even got an egg today!  I will try to get photos tomorrow...

Have a lovely day!


Becky K. said...

It was sooooo much fun! Thanks for hosting the Fall Fest each year. I loved our "tea pahty" too. There is something about drinking out of your beautiful tea cups.....just makes it seem like an event.

Getting to hold babies, play with young ones and chatter with the ladies was great.


Becky K.

Tracy said...

Your party sounds wonderful! Wish we could have been there.

I'm so excited that you got an egg!

sherry said...

such a busy, endearing and otherwise wonderful day!

kamryn is growing up already!
so adorable, deanna.

love the hen house plans.

bless you,

Anonymous said...

I wish I would have been to the tea party. Sounds like such fun.


detweilermom said...

Looks like everyone had fun.

detweilermom said...

Thanks for dropping by my blogs. I hope we can come next year also. We will be at the fellowship meal this Sunday (that's the plan anyway). Since I only have one child left to homeschool and she is in the 10th grade I have alot more time to read than I did when I was homeschooling them all and they were in the lower grades.

Kevin said...

Thank you for calling it Reformation Day. I never heard even any preachers in the area here call it that. Wish we could have been there.

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...