Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, October 1, 2010

Birthday Giveaway...

                                     Photo by Lindsay Rabe - Vermont 2009

A while back I hit post 900 and had planned a giveaway, but life got in the way.  Now I am at over 1,000 posts...

But I am going to ignore all of that and have a giveaway in honor of my birthday!  Yes!  I love birthdays!  
I am going to give away a signed copy of Lindsay's award winning photograph from Vermont!  It will be 11x14 in size.  I had thought to frame it etc...but I am afraid that the glass will break and scratch the photograph.

All you have to do is to leave me a comment by Sunday October 3rd (my birthday!) and I will draw a winner on Monday!  It is that simple!  
I love simple don't you?


~~Deby said...

Happy Birthday dear blog friend...we share the same birthday month...wooohooo..I hope you have a great day....sure I would love to enter...I am waiting until my 700th post to have one...IF I don't forget...LOL...hope you aren't getting all the bad rain...

Anonymous said...

Oh I have seen this in person and it is very nice!!! Please pick me!

Melissa G said...

OHHHHH! I would LOVE to win this print! It's beautiful and i'd hang it proudly in my house!

Anonymous said...

I also share the same birthday month with you! It is the very best time of year, don't you agree? Have a wonderful blessed weekend and may the Lord answer all your prayers.

Happy Birthday, blog sister!

Phyllis said...

I love this picture of Vermont. It holds memories for me. I absolutely loved Vermont and hope you go back again. I hope your birthday will be filled with love and joy.

Phyllis said...

I love this picture of Vermont. It holds memories for me. I absolutely loved Vermont and hope you go back again. I hope your birthday will be filled with love and joy.

Becky K. said...

Don't enter me...but I cannot not wish you a very special day!!!

This is a very special picture and I cannot wait to see who might win it!

Becky K.

Chicken Wrangler said...

Lovely photo - please enter me in your drawing!!! And hoping your birthday is a happy one!

Tracy said...

WOW, October seems to be a busy month- your birthday, Deby's and mine, too!

I'd LOVE to win Lindsay's photo. It's beautiful.

I hope that you have a lovely birthday, no matter how you celebrate.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Hi Deanna,

Happy Birthday!

I would love a copy of Lindsay’s picture. It’s beautiful!!!! She has talent! your blog.Saw your giveaway on

Hope you guys are having a great week! Things are going well here. Trying to savor these last two weeks before my new baby comes. It’s had its challenges not feeling wonderful. But I am so thankful to God for this sweet time of just being home and having this time to be with my children. Being pregnant with this baby and having this fifth baby has definitely been teaching me to trust God more and to rely on his strength and not my own. Some of your posts recently have really made me think a lot and to be challenged. To savor my home and family. To make my home a place of peace and to enjoy even the laundry. Thank you for speaking wisdom into my life. I told Jeremiah recently you have made a huge impact in my life since meeting you! Thank you very much. Been thinking about you guys. I read that Kay and Cameron moved in. I hope it is going great for all of you!

Hope you enjoy your birthday weekend!



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