Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Day At Home

Tim and I were talking yesterday about how much running around we have been doing all summer and now into the Autumn.  

It is not something we like to do....when he is not at work we like to be at home - together.

It's not like we are attached at the hip when we are both at home!  He has projects he likes to work on, often outside, and I have school to do with the kids and home keeping things I love to do.  But we know we are both at home.  The kids can run out and help Dad and he likes it when I come to hang out with him for a while, too!

Today however he is over helping the Hospitality Lane men put a new roof on Grandma Ruth's shed.  She is very happy about this, and I know that Tim is happy to use his gift of service and to spend time with Warren and Jonathan.

 I get a whole day at home...I can hardly believe it!  Just in time too, as my home needs some attention AND tomorrow after church we are leaving for few days of vacation.  We are headed to the Creation Museum again, and taking my parents and our pastor and friend Mike along with us!

We already were going to have great fun - a guys suite and a girls suite - free breakfasts - good company - but we are getting a BONUS of fun!

Tracy - Back to Basics - and I have been blogging friends for a few years now.  She has a dear family and we have similar interests and values.  Last Spring when we were headed down that way, I asked her if they could join us there, so we could meet.  We also want our daughters to meet.  It didn't work out that time, but this time?  They have invited ALL 10 of us for DINNER Monday night!  

My family and I are kinda excited, just a little....

I will do the good blogger thing and take photos...lots hopefully, as I am looking forward to seeing her red chicken coop and her chickens, her garden (which she warns me is full of weeds, but so is mine, so who cares?), and her bedroom redo which is beautiful.  Really you should go right now to her blog and check it out!

I am taking my laptop along so I may post once or twice between now and when we get back.

For now though, I am going to relish the perfect Autumn weather and my day at home....


Karen said...

Wow, this is my lucky day-I was able to get to both your blog and Becky's this morning!

Have a wonderful vacation! Sounds like so much fun-plus a bloggy friend meet-up...what could be better?

I am subscribed to Tracy's "Unless the Lord" blog but somehow had no idea she had a newer one. Thanks for the link!

Terra said...

Yes, you do have fun in store on your vacation trip, and your blog friend is kind to invite all 10 over for dinner. Your pumpkins are beautiful.

~~Deby said...

My guy and I just love hanging out at home too. He will be doing his thing and me mine, but we eat together...take breaks together and just enjoy each others company. I love it..we love it. know I am jealous of you and Tracy...but so happy you get to meet a blogger...looking forward to the pics...
hugs and prayers for your fun and fellowship....God is good..

The Pennington Point said...

Oh how fun! If you can't keep up with all of the blogging...we'll be here waiting when you get home. I want details. LOL! Lisa~

Tracy said...

We can't wait for you to get here! I'm glad you had a full day at home before you hit the road. Travel wears me out.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...