Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Brigette Had Her Baby!

I don't have a photo...I hoped to go see her today, but several of my kids ended up with a stomach bug...not nice.

But on to happier topics!

Brigette was to be induced today if she didn't go into labor before then.  The other kids were all safely tucked away at Grandma's and at Auntie's, and she and her husband Jeremiah were to go into the hospital at 7:00 am.  About 3:00 am Brigette awoke in labor! 

They headed in to the hospital and it turns out she is 8 cm dilated!  Wow!  

However baby doesn't make her appearance until 11:15 am!  Turns out that this baby is big!  10 lbs 3 oz!  

I asked Jeremiah how long she was and he said "I don't know!  Everyone was so excited and caught up in how big she was, I don't even know if they said how long she was!"  I am sure Brigette will fill me in on all the details!

They are all doing well, getting to know each other and settling in.

A few of us ladies are providing some meals for the weekend, before a cousin comes to help out for a week.

I can't wait to see this long anticipated girlie!

Welcome Hope Evangeline! 

Congratulations Jeremiah and Brigette!


Anonymous said...

Yippee! Hope ~ what a beautiful name! I can't wait to see a photo. Hope your crew gets to feeling better. Have a blessed day!

Tracy said...

How exciting! Natural is always better than being induced.

What a pretty name!

Late October Weekend

  I had a quiet weekend at home, and I enjoyed it.  I cut some of my limelight hydrangea, now with their autumn blush on them and took them ...