Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, October 14, 2010

We're Home...

 We had such a wonderful time on our trip!  The trees were turning beautiful colors...

 The Creation Museum was great!  This is a replica of a mastodon skeleton.  The real one was found with bacteria in its stomach...isn't that interesting?  

 Little boy learning...he was taking it all in...he liked looking for the fossils and he like the section on Noah's Ark...

 An impressive thing about the museum is that they present both evolution and creation.  They show them side by side so you can see the truth...

 This dinosaur was trying to eat fruit not Rachel!  They show how the dinosaurs were a part of creation and were around even in the Garden of Eden...

 At the petting zoo the kids took Camel rides.  How cool is that?  Here are Rachel and Sarah...

 Kyle and Lindsay...

 And so did my Dad!  He had a blast!  He said it was one more thing off his "bucket list."

 This is a gorgeous guy...

 Part of the beautiful Botanical Gardens they have at the Creation Museum...

 On our way home we stopped at Shanksville, PA where Flight 93 crashed on 9/11.

The flag is placed on the spot where the plane slammed into the earth at 500+ miles an hour...they have written transcripts of the flight data recorder and of the phone calls passengers made to their loved ones and to the authorities telling them that their flight was was when they heard the news of other attacks that they realized that they were a part of a greater plot than just a hijacking and they decided to act...the terrorists decided to crash the plane rather than have the passengers and crew get control of the plane.  They were 20 minutes flight time out of D.C. - they mentioned that they flight left late by 25 minutes.  Can you imagine where they might have been if they hadn't left late?  In a much more populated area, for sure.

It was very moving to be there.  
The whole trip was a whirlwind, but we are so thankful for the time we had together, and to meet Tracy and her family in go to the Creation Museum, to go to Shanksville....


Anonymous said...

If you are ever in Shanksville area again, stop at the Que Creek mine museum. It isn't too far away and also very interesting. Then hop in your car and travel about 1 1/2 hrs. and come visit me! :)

My BIL was doing construction work when the plane went down at the farm next door. When he arrived, there was only dust that resembled smoke. He said it was as if the plane disappeared.

Your picks were great!

Tracy said...

I'm so glad that you had a great trip. What a moving experience it must have been to stop by the Flight 93 crash site.

Phyllis said...

Let's go again next weekend!!!!!!!!

The Pennington Point said...

Wow those are great pictures! I love the little guy learning the best. The whole trip sounds like it was a great time. Lisa~

Terra said...

I can see that you had a fun trip, including the camel rides.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...