Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rainy Day

I am still recovering from my bout with the bug on Monday.  I felt much better until last evening, then felt bad again.  No illness, but feeling bad.

I am hoping that I will feel much better by tomorrow as I have a co-op class to teach.  I have a dvd clip that I am showing my class, so my helper (Lindsay) could easily run the class if I am unable to be there.

I have had sometime on my hands these days of resting, and I have put my hands to work on crocheting a scarf.  This is a nice nubby yarn, cream colored and I am using a large hook.  It is quick and easy.  Emily said I should give it to her, so maybe it will be a Christmas gift.  I love giving gifts that are handmade.

Lindsay was to give riding lessons today, but the rain that came overnight and off and on today, caused her to cancel.   Emily is at work...she is such a hard working diligent girl.  She gets up early and does her schoolwork or she stays up later in the evenings.  

Lindsay took the little folk to the library yesterday, and they came back with books and videos.  This is a blessing on rainy days to have something new to watch and enjoy together. Sarah who has struggled with reading is starting to gain confidence.  That is fun to see.

I am thinking of all the things that need to be of which is Emily's senior photos.  We are planning a trip to Longwood soon so that Lindsay can shoot Emily's photos.  We also are getting a chance to take a short trip to Williamsburg in late November, so we can always take some there.  With the great architecture there I am sure we can get some awesome shots!

Here is a verse I like: Isaiah 58:11

And the LORD will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.   ESV

I love these precious words...I trust you will find Him true to His word.



Tracy said...

I'm so sorry that you're still under the weather. Maybe it's a gift from the Lord, a way to slow the pace a bit.

Your scarf is lovely. Yea! for Sarah's reading. It's so much fun to see them take off with it, isn't it?

Longwood, and/or Williamsburg would be wonderful for senior shots. I'm sure the girls will have loads of fun.

Joy said...

I pray you'll be feeling like yourself again soon, Mrs. Rabe!

I love the yarn you're using for your scarf...very pretty!


  This weekend was fun. I went to tea with co-op friends, at one of their houses. It was open to all moms. It was a wonderful time of fellow...