Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Cookies

 The kids and I took cookie dough, cutters and color sugars out to our friends the Eldredge's farm and had a big Christmas cookie making day!

 The kids were all so excited and they did a great job cutting the shapes out!

 Here Kyle shows a star cookie!

 Molly was so into it, from the time I started rolling the dough out!  If you look carefully at her right eye, she has flour on it!

 Katie awoke from her nap to find cookie craziness going on!  She ate her lunch, and then got in on the action.

 We use canned milk as a kind of glue to hold the color sugar on!  Paint brushes help the kids to not get too much milk on the cookies!

 Aren't they beautiful?

 Sweet baby Hope was not impressed with the cookies...I have a feeling that a year from now she will be!

 The younger kids kind of had a field day with the pretty sugars...

 Hands were covered...

 Cookies were buried...see that small circle where you can see the table?  That is where her cookie was!  The rest is sugar!

 Oops!  Did I say the youngest kids had a field day?  Some bigger girls joined in!

 Sugar art...

 Isn't it pretty?

I hope the kids weren't too hopped up on sugar yesterday!  Jeremiah will never forgive me otherwise!

We love you Eldredges!  Thanks for the great day!


Terri said...

What fun! Looks delish, too! Makes me realize I better get baking. My helpers are not quite so little or willing!

Joy said...

I LOVE making sugar cookies...we're hoping to do that soon. Looks like a fun time!

Tracy said...

Looks like a ton of fun. My niece and I are getting together Friday for a cookie baking day! Looking at your pictures makes me excited!

Beth said...

What precious pictures and memories you made...besides the cookies!!
We're going to work on cut out sugar cookies on Sunday after church!
We've been making "Buckeyes" as Christmas gifts and for Christmas gatherings.
I'm just thinking of how much fun it would be to do scrapbook pages of your cookie day!!
My daughter Becca (who is homeschooled) is so busy doing her schoolwork and helping me watch two of our grandbabies. It is so hard to find time to get some "fun" things done! I think we need to schedule a day off for both of us....SOON!!
Blessings, and Merry CHRISTmas!!

Becky K. said...

Chelsea and Grandma Georgia had better set a time to get together. They are our cookie bakers!

Your photos are so fun! Making happy, happy memories!!


Late October Weekend

  I had a quiet weekend at home, and I enjoyed it.  I cut some of my limelight hydrangea, now with their autumn blush on them and took them ...