Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Through Rachel's Eyes

 Rachel got a camera for Christmas.  She was very excited.  It is nice, just a point and shoot but very user friendly for a young girl!

 It was a very sweet, relaxed day.  No stress, just a neat time of giving gifts to each other and sharing love.

 No one got an abundance of gifts, but the gifts given were loved and rejoiced over!  It was so sweet to see Kyle excited over his dollar store army guys in his stocking... 
We were very spoiled this year by a dear friend, who is like an uncle to our kids.  He spent Christmas Eve with us, too.  We have a tradition of watching "The Nativity Story" on Christmas Eve - and just as the baby Jesus is born and the star is shining down on them our clock chimed midnight and Rachel said "Merry Christmas!"  It was such an amazing moment!

 Grandma enjoys watching the kids open their gifts...

 Here they are opening a gift bag full of new jammies for the younger set...Kyle said "Mine have helicopters and airplanes!"  So thrilled!

 The latest Jonathan Park for the girls...

 It was so fun to share Kamryn's 1st Christmas!  She is half way to one now!
 She really liked the paper the packages where wrapped in!

 Nate and Kay got the younger girls a few games including "Scrabble."  I can't believe we have never had this game before...

 Rachel received a genuine Red Ryder BB gun, in pink.  She is a very good shot!

 Lindsay and Rachel took a Christmas day ride...

Kyle got a cowboy rifle that shoots rubber bullets.  He loves it!  

We spent the day playing games, shooting cans, riding horses, eating, playing wii, talking, loving on each other, and watching a movie.

I hope you all had a delightful day.


Melissa G said...

What a great day! Thanks for the pictures and sharing your day with us!

Becky K. said...

Sounds a lot like our Christmas. Full of family and laughter.
Ahhh....God is so good to us!

Diane Shiffer said...

Looks like sooo much fun!

Becky said...

Sounds like you all had a wonderful Christmas. That was an amazing moment with the movie at the stroke of midnight. So adore that movie...its the best!

Unknown said...

Hi Mrs. Rabe,
Saw your home on the Decorating Tour - lovely! I had to laugh a bit - those BB guns must have been the hot item this year. I almost didn't get one for my daughter, but a store clerk came through for me just as I was about to give up. He said people were purchasing 3-4 at a time! My Molly spent the entire Christmas day outside "hunting"!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...