Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 10, 2010

This Is On My Mind

I am thinking about how grateful I am for our chickens.  We have just two for now.  They have a cute little portable coop which we move every few days, and we let them out to free range for a while every day.
They reward us with 1-2 eggs per day!  Looking forward to more "chooks" in the spring! 

Joining Rhonda down under here.


Becky K. said...

They are very pretty. I am glad you have discovered the joy of raising chickens. We still love it after several years.

The Pleasures of Homemaking said...

I saw that Rhonda was doing this series - how fun! I've always wanted chickens so I enjoyed a peek at yours.

Have a wonderful Christmas!


rhonda jean said...

Chickens are the best. I love your little feeder. Hanno and I have just had eggs on toast for breakfast - the eggs, naturally from our girls.

Thanks for taking part.

tea time and roses said...

We have no chickens here in the city, but oh how I remember the days on my grandparent's farm. The chickens were the best, we children loved them! I miss my grandparent's farm a whole bunch.:o)

Happy weekend to you!



Tracy said...

I knew you'd love your girls! They're so much fun, aren't they?

The Pennington Point said...

Oh I do love our chickens! They are so funny and fun to watch. We love the eggs, of course. But I really love the charm of having chickens around. We have a few that just wander around the yard and it's delightful. Lisa~

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