Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Preparing For The New Year

 A few photos that Rachel took during last nights storm...

 We have been talking of the New Year and some changes we would like to make for our family.  One is that we have gotten very relaxed with our schedule until we hardly have one, except those who need to be at work at a certain time.  So we have decided to make a schedule for us all...this will allow us to better run our day, and to keep up with daily chores etc...
 Today I made some Double Chocolate Cookies, found at a blog that is new to me, but I really like it.  You can find the recipe here.

 These are the yummiest cookies!  The recipe makes nearly 90 cookies, so I froze a ton!  

I also spent some time today with a few seed catalogs, planning our garden for next year.  Before I know it, It will be time to plant seeds...I need to decide what to order and get ordering.  Last year, the heirloom seed companies were overwhelmed by orders.  I want to make sure we get the seeds we would like to grow this next year.

We will be taking the tree down soon - it has been up since the day after Thanksgiving.  The decision is only when to do it.  Lindsay's birthday is Saturday, our 23rd anniversary is Sunday.  Tim has the first week of the new year off, he is planning to work on getting more firewood.  We have been heating the house with our woodstove and it has been great not to have to use the regular heating system.  The house has been toasty, a bit too toasty at times!  I am so thankful for the woodstove, I like my electric bill to be low.

What things are you preparing for in the New Year?


Becky K. said...

Big Changes here....We have another moving out...a bathroom to remodel...a business to get whipped into shape.
Plenty to work on, that is for sure.
I am excited to see what God is going to do at Sonrise as well. He surely did bless us in this past year.

Unknown said...

2011 will be a year of organization for me. Organizing my finances, organizing my house! I have a list of resolutions a mile long. I know I won't reach all of them but I have a journal that I plan on tracking my progress!

Tracy said...

Hmmm... we need schedules, too, I'm afraid.

A bit of painting, remodeling, and schooling. We need to get our decorations down, too. Live trees don't last long!

Rachel's photos are very nice!

Tracy said...

The cookies look fab! Anything with chocolate works for me. I 'm looking at our rountine too. We pretty much lost ours along the way.

Mama to 12, so far said...

Love homejoys! Great recipes.

Looks like you have a great plan.

I am redoing some of our stuff too.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...