Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, December 11, 2010

This and That

Christmas is 2 weeks from today...two weeks...this month is flying by.  Today, Emily and I are going Christmas shopping.  I want to finish my shopping, but I don't know what to get Tim.  He usually gives me a list of tools etc, but this year he doesn't want to make a list.  Meany.  Actually, he hates to spend money on himself, so I may need to take advantage of his lack of a list.  Oh, yes.  I feel ideas coming on!

After shopping I will drop Emily off at work, pick up Nate from my parents house and come home.  I need to do some basic cleaning of the cottage - dusting, vacuuming and the like.  

I must say that it is interesting to shop for adult family members - some need nothing, others need everything!  Some are easy to shop for (they love everything), others are harder to shop for. It can be very challenging, but I am ready for the task! Ha!

I like to give meaningful gifts - it doesn't have to be big or fancy, just be something that the receiver of the gift will love.

The younger kids are finished.  A nice order from Vision Forum did the trick.  They have great materials for the whole family, and wonderful, wholesome items for kids!

Well, I need to run.  Lots to do today.  I am looking forward to a great day, and I hope you are too!

1 comment:

Tracy said...

The photo with the wreath alongside the horse is very sweet! Happy shopping!

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