Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Thanks Be To The Lord!

I think a miracle took place last night.  Tim came home with the refrigerator part, put it in and it did not work.  Huge disappointment.  We were going to have to pay to replace the compressor.  Funds are very tight this month.  

I started to do that praying continually thing....while I made dinner - homemade chicken noodle soup and homemade corn bread.  Yum!

I prayed still while picking Emily up from work and Rachel from my parents.  We went to Panera for coffee for Emily (I was able to use the rest of my gift card). After being joined by some young friends, and stopping at Target, we arrived home.

My husband said "The fridge is working."  "WHAT?!"  Apparently he did something or other and it started to work!  Praise the Lord!  This morning I opened the freezer door and the meat is still frozen solid!  

Miracle?  Yes, an everyday one! He cares about our needs.  Praise Him!

This morning I read about Everyday Miracles over at Tomato Soup Cake.  

What an encouraging story of God's faithfulness!


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Sweetie...
Oh isn't God great? He so listens to our needs and knows exactly what is in our wallet. He provides for us when we need it.

I am so tickled you were able to fix the refrigerator. It always amazes me how some people just go out and buy a whole new one, tossing the old one out. DH and I are just like you and Tim, we go out, buy a part, and pray that it will fix the problem. Our home is quite simple, and our belongings too, but we hang our hearts there, and it is always filled with love.
That is all that we need.

Thank you for the beautiful share of Faith, Love and Hope this morning. It has touched my heart. Many hugs sweetie and much love, Sherry

Anonymous said...

God is so interested in all the details of our lives! Thanking Him that your refrigerator is now fixed, and that you did not lose any food!

Tracy said...

Hooray! We know He cares about every aspect of our lives, but it is a very wonderful thing when He reminds us in just the right way!

Mary Lou Casada said...

Mrs. R!
He is Jehovah Rapha -- the one who heals! Refrigerators, too!! LOL I love it!
Mary Lou

Karen said...

Wow, great news! I think we too often don't realize just how many miracles we are blessed with day to day-I agree you saw one here.

Diane Shiffer said...

thanks so much for linking to me... i loved the story about your fridge. He won't ever let us down when we allow ourselves to be fully dependent upon Him..

and apologies for the no caps. sleeping baby in lap!

Becky K. said...

I am soooo glad!

Abounding Treasures said...

He truly cares about the details of our lives and it's always a special blessing when He reminds of this in very special and obvious ways!

Simple Home said...

This was wonderful to read! I love seeing how the Lord works miracles in the everyday things of life. Our vacuum broke down last week (well, it hasn't been working right for quite awhile) but this time we knew it died. Repairs cost almost as much as a new one, Christmas is upon us, and we'd had to replace my husband's glasses that had broken recently too. Adding a new vacuum just isn't something I had in my budget.

My son posted something about it on facebook, and someone at his church (where he works as a youth pastor) offered to give us a vacuum. It's much better than my old one! What a blessing :-)

Terri said...

Nice....He is often just waiting for us to spend the afternoon in continual communion with us--don't you wonder if that's just what our trials are sometimes about? Getting our attention and our focus back on Him....whether He sees fit to "fix" the issue or not. Thankful He chose yours to FIX!!!

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