Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, December 4, 2010

"An Old Fashioned Christmas" Tea

 This is the third year that I have organized a tea for the ladies of our church, and of course, their guests.  The theme this year was "An Old Fashioned Christmas."  Our underlying theme is always "Keeping Christ in Christmas."
 I have been collecting tea cups and pots, glass luncheon plates and other tea items for many years.  I also have lots of plaid tablecloths and tea towels, so that along with white is what we used this year.  It seemed to suit the the "Old Fashioned" theme.

  I stripped my living room of 3 lamps and the two lamps out of our bedroom.  Becky brought a few that we used in the food area.  The ladies commented that they felt as if they were in some one's home.  The soft lighting (which doesn't show very well in these photos) was so lovely - it felt like a beautiful restaurant. 

  The tables were each different yet, similar because of colors and pattern.

  Sorry about the blurred photo.  I wanted to show you the table that many of our sweet young girls sat at.  The two youngest girls got to use Rachel and Sarah's small tea cups - they were so excited!

 Here are two photos that show my display table.  I spoke of "Keeping Christ in Christmas with a Simple Christmas."  I will try to post all my ideas soon.

Here is a photo of the food table.  It was all so delicious!  

It is so much work, but it is such a privilege to serve the ladies of our church family in this way.  I missed my two right hand gals, Lindsay and Emily, though they helped me so much in the days before.  They even helped make food for it! I am so thankful for Rachel who has stepped up to be my new right had gal!  I guess I have three now!  What a blessing daughters are!  I also am thankful for Tim, who encourages me in these endeavors.


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

That looks beautiful!

The church we've attending for a long time doesn't have any formal ladies programs.

It seems long before we ever started attending, it became a source of gossip and such... really sad that they ended all the activities.

I'd love to go to something like this. :)

Phyllis said...

Everything looked lovely.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Rabe. That is just beautiful!!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Rabe,

Oh, everything looks so beautiful and charming. The low lighting does make the room you were having the tea look like an elegant little resturant.

I'm sure that the ladies were blessed by your earnest efforts. :)


-Lady Rose

Simple Home said...

It's all just so pretty. I love tea parties :-) Your topic was perfect too. We all too often get so busy we forget about Jesus and the real reason for Christmas.

window into our life of love, joy, and adventures! said...

What a lovely tea you gave! I also collect teacups and pots and have shared them in the past for some ladies functions. Sadly it has been too long since I have done one.
What a blessing you are to your church! : )

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Morning Sweetie...
Oh what a beautiful share. I would have loved to have been present and been able to hear your talk. How lovely it must have been.

Becky sent me over to see your pics. She said she didn't have her camera. You all did such a beautiful job. I love the tea cups, pots and place settings. How personal and homey, just like God wants us to be with him. Comfortable and at home. Your food table looks so scrumptous. I love it.

The lights of love were the perfect touch for this season. Keeping Christ in Christmas and knowing that we all strive to go home to the light. A beautiful share and I loved seeing the little ones at the table as well.

Many hugs sweetie and so much love, Sherry

Vee said...

Becky sent me over and I'm glad that she did because I'm always interested to see how women decorate for such teas. You did an amazing job with all these different tables. I'm all grins looking at the one with the young girls...oh you've given them a delicious Christmas memory. No wonder they were all so excited. The most telling thing is that the women felt as if they were in someone's home.

Cheri' said...

You have such a lovely "touch" Mrs. Rabe! I love looking at these pictures and imagining what your evening together was like! I'm sure the ladies were blessed by the atmosphere as well as by your message!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...