Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

My Annual Christmas Tea

 Bits of my notes for my presentation of Keeping Christ In Christmas Through Simple Decorating or something like that.  Not quite happy with that title.

 Soon I will be unloaded my great grandmother's hutch, taking all my tea things over to our church, along with my glass plates and flatware.

 I love this tea cup - it was found on one of our anniversary trips!  We both have Scottish blood and it was a perfect find.  This one will be going to tea as well.

As will these beauties!  All my tea things are so beautiful but they are all used frequently!

The tea theme is "An Old Fashioned Christmas" and as usual we want to keep our focus on Christ at Christmas time.  This is always the underlying theme.  I am doing a whole presentation on simple and inexpensive decorating. 

Pray for me!  I will be nervous until it is over!  This year my mom won't be there - her church is having it's annual tea as well that night!  And Lindsay and Emily will be working!  I am going to miss them so much!  

I'll keep you posted as to how it goes!


~~Deby said...

I am sure your tea will be wonderful !....I love the cups that you have...I will pray for you !...
BTW...the package arrived !!! TY !!

KellyinPA said...

It sounds lovely. I will pray for you but I'm sure that Lord will give you the grace that you need because this is done to please Him. Let us know how it goes!

Becky K. said...

I am looking forward to it, so much!

Don't be too are among friends!


Becky K.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Rabe,

Your Christmas Tea sounds like a lovely idea. I like your pretty tea set too. :)

I just discovered your blog today, and I thought I would say, "Hello." You can visit my blog if you desire.


-Lady Rose

Tracy said...

Wish I could be there!

Jackie said...

I love the idea of a Christmas Tea! Can't wait to hear more about it and I bet it will go great!


Terri said...

You were obviously asked to do this talk because someone is quite sure you are capable! Relax and enjoy your preparations- you'll do great!'ve got some BEAUTIFUL tea cups and pots! It will be wonderful, I'm sure...

Cheri' said...

I ALWAYS love hearing about your Annual Tea! Your tea sets and cups are absolutely beautiful!

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