Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 26, 2011

Fun Week Ahead

This week is full of fun stuff.

Today, the kids have are going to be participating in making a commercial for a local corn maze.


Lindsay has new riding students this afternoon.  She has had a good summer with lessons  for 5 students and now is adding two more students.  If the weather holds, she will be able to give lessons for nearly 2 more months before it gets too cold to ride.  

Wednesday begins our local agricultural fair.  We usually go several times. This year the girls want to go on to see the students showing their cows, sheep and pigs.  For those of you who live in the 'big city' like I did growing up, this is actually a lot of fun and very interesting as well as educational.  We will be spending time there all day on Friday due to the equine events.  Rachel will be competing during the day in the youth events and Lindsay will be competing in the evening.  One of Lindsay's students is going to be competing along with Rachel.  
The weather has been hot the last few years at the fair, but it looks like it is going to be cool this year, and rainy.  So I am going to pray the the cool weather stays, but I'm going to pray for the rain to go away.  

Sunday, right after church, we are headed to New England!  I am sooo excited!  On Monday, which is my birthday, we will be in Maine...I have wanted to see Maine and the coastline there for many years.  Tim and my Dad and our friend Denny are planning on overdosing on seafood!  We will be meeting up with a blogging friend, Vee and her husband, John!  We still have to work out the details as to where.  

The rest of our trip will find us in the White Mountains in NH, exploring the beauty of Lake Champlain, and into New York.  I will try to blog in the evenings but I make no guarantees!  

Meanwhile we have to get through this week.  Yesterday, as I was taking my son home, we heard and thumping type noise under the hood of the van.  We pulled over just down the road from my parents house and found that the serpentine belt was shredding.  There was a lot on it yet and we decided to get to my parents house to deal with it.  We barely made it up their steep driveway but we did!  We opened up the hood, the belt was really shredded!  We started to talk about what places would still be open on a Sunday afternoon.  Nate called his friend who is a mechanic at Pep Boys.  Nate talked to the parts department found out what we needed, my Dad drove us over to get it.  

You maybe wondering where Tim was in all this?  Well, he had taken all the other kids, besides Lindsay who was with us in the van, hiking along with another family from church.  I couldn't reach them by phone, so I sent a text to Emily, and Tim called just as we reached the store!

He and the kids came out to my parents, got the belt on in about 20 minutes or so, and we had a nice visit with my parents!

Whew!  I am so thankful that this happened before our trip, and that it happened so close to my parents house!  I am also thankful for my son Nate who stepped in and took care of the details!  I didn't have to do a thing!

What a start to a busy week!



Anonymous said...

Wow do you have a jam-packed week! Enjoy your time traveling and do look forward to some pics of Maine, New Hampshire and New York. We used to go to Word of Life Camp at Schroon Lake every October and then travel to Lake Champlain, etc. Beautiful scereny in the fall there. Have a wonderful birthday!

no spring chicken said...

So, how does one friend make another friend feel selfish and lazy? By sewing skirts and sewing shirts, visiting family, dealing with life issues, directing children's passions, planning vacations and carving beautiful fall decorations while I sit on my hiney in the sand doing nothing and thinking of nothing but the moment at hand!! Thanks. ;)

Blessings, Debbie

Emily Fay said...

It sounds like a blessed busy week ahead! Have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

New England in the fall should be just gorgeous! And how fun to meet a blogging friend in person. :o)

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

How fun that you're going to be meeting up with Vee!

To be able to see the beautiful fall foliage on you birthday sounds just perfect!

Honeysuckle Haven Cottage said...

Wheww im tired just reading all of that! Lol Have a great week! :D

Vee said...

Oh it's always nice when life's little frustrations are handled quickly and well. Phew.

The Cumberland Fair is on this week; next week is the Fryeburg Fair (the fair that is represented in E.B.White's Charlotte's Web). Anyway, most of the Cumberland fairgoers were disappointed by the summer temps today. It's going to subside I hope.

We're seeing more color every day, though still not too much in our own neighborhood.

Yes, we've got to work out the details!

Becky K. said...

I so wish I could meet Vee too. One of these days....maybe.

Wishing your wonderful kiddos great results at the fair. I know it makes for a big week but it is worth it. Chelsea is starting her brownies tonight so she can enter them tomorrow.

Cheryl said...

Whew! Not the kind of adventures we seek...but it is such a blessing that your van's trouble was when you were close to home and had help available. (Tracing His hand...)

The trip you have planned sounds absolutely delightful. I can't think of a better place to be than New England in the fall. (And I enjoyed your list of fall loves...I share many of them!)

Bee said...

For the seafood lover - When in New England try a quahog. It's clam mixed with bread stuffing (filling) and served back in the large clam shell.
Also if they like fried clams....New England fried clams are the best.

Bee said...

PS - you know, your friendly neighborhood mechanic is still always willing to help a friend having car trouble! Glad Nate could help!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...