Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sewing, Stitching, and Knitting Projects

 I have been promising photos of the things we have been making here at the cottage, and finally, here they are.

 I recently finished a knit hat for Rachel and started this one this morning for my sweet great nephew Cayden.  He lives in California and is going to be a big brother in a few weeks.  I wanted to send a little gift along for him since I was sending a wee hat and a quilt for his baby brother Camden who is due next month.

 I just love the browns, blues and greens in this yarn - and it is so soft!

  Sarah started a stitchery of her own design this morning.  It is very sweet and is turning out well.  She is learning as she goes.  I love to see my kids being creative.  Rachel is going to start one also, but is out shopping with Emily, Kayleigh and Kamryn right now.  Emily needs shoes for work and they are going to check out the sale at the consignment store - Sarah needs snow boots and we often are able to find Land's End snow boots for less than half price.  I am thankful for daughters who are capable of helping to shop for the needs of our family.

Lindsay is cooking lunch for the rest of us here at home.  I am in the middle of my continuing decluttering and reorganizing.  Lots to do, but I must confess that I am enjoying the whole process.

 This is a sweet skirt I made about a month ago for Rachel...

 She wears it with a pink shirt that matches it perfectly...

And I also made her an all cotton sweet with the floral ribbon running around the bottom.  It is cool and comfortable.  I have several to make for the older girls, as well.

 Emily and Kayleigh made these skirts in about an hour.  They found this really fun knit fabric as JoAnne's on clearance. 

 Emily thinks there is enough fabric left to make Kamryn a skirt too.

 Remember back when Lindsay and I were making her medieval dress in the style of Eowyn from Lord of the Rings?  That post is here.  Here in an un-ironed shot of it.  It is a linen blend - very heavy to wear.  The fabric for the vest was from a remnant of a suede cloth like fabric...

 We learned a lot making this dress.  We loved the floral ribbon, it looks feminine and woodsy.

Buttons up the back...we probably will not use such a light weight fabric for the vest if she makes another one.

 This is the newest dress - we raised the neckline, and modified the sleeve.  The fabric is perfect for Lindsay.

 It fits her perfectly.

 This is the fabric up close.  

If you have read all the way to the end - you really are a friend!  Thanks for letting us share our work with you!


Phyllis said...

I am a friend!!!! Yay!!

Heather said...

I love all of your projects! Very pretty! ;o)

The Pennington Point said...

So many sweet things going on at your place! I love every bit of it. My Grace would love the medieval dress! Lisa~

Anonymous said...

Loved your sewing adventures. Made me think of when I was teaching my daughter, Bethany, the ins and outs of sewing. She really got into it and started designing dresses for her Samantha American Girls doll. Still have them all packed away. We've done the medieval costumes, too. Great fun - and memories!

no spring chicken said...

Yay! We're friends!! I'm so glad that you posted this. Such inspiration... beautiful fabrics and patterns, beautiful girls!

Hmm. Do you mind sharing the pattern you used for the knit skirts. I was at the thrift the other day and they have some FUN knits.

Blessings, Debbie

Tracy said...

I especially love Lindsay's medieval dress! It's beautiful.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...