Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fall Nesting Party

Melissa is hosting us all over at her blog "The Inspired Room."

With the high for today predicted to be 67 degrees, it was time to pull out the Autumn wreath.  

The cool weather made it the perfect evening to do a fire outside...

And not to be forgotten...
Time to "decorate" with the Autumn color M&M's!

Have you started to decorate for the changing season?


Honeysuckle Haven Cottage said...

I decorate with candy corn. I never thought about the autumn color m&m's. What a great idea! I might have some trouble here with my little 4 year old munchkins though lol they LOVE m&ms!

Honeysuckle Haven Cottage said...

I decorate with candy corn. I never thought about the autumn color m&m's. What a great idea! I might have some trouble here with my little 4 year old munchkins though lol they LOVE m&ms!

no spring chicken said...

Your fire photos are wonderful! As for decorating with fall colored M&Ms... Get behind me Satan! I like to sometimes blame Satan for what I don't have the willpower to handle well myself. It's one of my flaws.

;), Debbie

Faith said...

Oh - I forgot about autumn colored m&m's! Love them. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Rebecca said...

The fire looks delightful - (as do the M&Ms).

I like to prepare a snack mixture of candy corn, peanuts and raisins and chocolate chips (might have to add M&M's) and set it in a clear glass canister...

Vee said...

Oh that fire looks so warm and wonderful. Did you roast marshmallows? I was going to pick up a wreath today and forgot. Guess that means I'm going to be making one. Yours is cheerful and bright and says autumn all over it. I'm surprised that the chill has reached way down to PA.

Simple Home said...

Oh, it feels like autumn at your house, doesn't it? How nice. We're still in t-shirts, shorts and flip flops around here. Hoping for a bit of a change soon :)
Have a wonderful weekend!

Cheryl said...

Today is the day! I am coming to meet the Mrs. Rabe whom I have seen in the comments section of many of the blogs that I read.

So...nice to meet you, Mrs. Rabe! I have nosed around your blog a bit, and will be sure to return for another visit. Thank you for your hospitality. :-D

~ Cheryl

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Love the first photos! One of the things we look forward to is being able to use our fire pit when it gets cold!

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness I don't thing I could decorate with Candy corn or M+M's as they wouldn't last with me seeing them out in the open like that! Great idea though if you have strong will power!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...