Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Autumn, How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways...

1. The cooler, crisp chill in the air.

2. The golden light in the late afternoon.

3. Leaves changing color.

4. Cozy throw blankets for evening.

5. Flannel sheets!

6. Open windows.

7. Campfires.

8. Soy candles. 

9. Hot tea in the evening.

10. Knitting.

11. Fall foliage trips.

12. My birthday.

13. Cold apple cider.

14. Hot mulled cider.

15. Wearing sweaters.

16. Warm socks.

17. Shorter days.

18. Pumpkins carved into fun luminaries!

19. Oil lamps.

20. Colorful Mums in the garden.

What about you?  What are the things you love about Autumn?

All the photos in this page are from my Pinterest Autumn board. Let me know if you want an invite.


Vee said...

Nice list and I enjoyed looking at your Pinterest page. Very sweet gathering of ideas.

sherry said...

i love every one of these things listed. and now, i will enjoy all those things - vicariously through you for it's still in the 90's here in NorCal and expected to remain that way through next week save for this Sunday's projected 76 (what's up with that?!). yesterday it was 101. bah!

think AUTUMN!!!!!
and thank you for sharing this list. my heart longs to enjoy these things soon. hopefully. :o)

Anonymous said...

It's hard for me to think 'Autumn' yet because it is still in the 80's here.--although you are right, the light is definitely different. I love your list though and especially love the candles in the jars.

Joy said...

I love Autumn, too! It's such a cozy season. The only thing I don't like about it is that the children seem to get sick more. :( (We have several with colds right now.)

Hope your weekend is blessed!

Joy said...

Oh, by the way, I thought it was neat that I have some of those same pictures on my Pinterest Autumn page! I'll have to follow you there. :)

Rebecca said...

No autumn birthday here (or soy candles), but just about everything else! I made apple dumplings for our dinner today. With hazelnut coffee and cheddar cheese it was an early autumn pleasure!

Heather said...

We have many of the same loves for Autumn. It is my very favourite season! I just wish southern AZ had more Autumn weather! ;o)

I started following you on pinterest. ;o)

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