Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 19, 2011

My Beautiful Granddaughter...

 Lindsay let me take all these photos off of her camera card.  The photos of her in the green dress were taken a few weeks ago while the weather was still warm...

 Kamryn loves to be outside.

 She loves our old dog Samantha and is gentle with her.  When we were teaching her about being gentle with same we would say to Kamryn "good girl."  Now she calls all animals "good girl!"

 Here she enjoys Auntie Lindsay's bracelet...

 and cowboy hat...

 Yesterday it was much cooler in the late afternoon when we gathered to watch the guys from church launch rockets...

Here she is with her Daddy...

So here you have it - a proud Grandma post....


Honeysuckle Haven Cottage said...

Shes a very pretty baby! I love the ones with the hat.

Emily Fay said...

She is too adorable!

Rebecca said...

She IS a cutie! I just want to pinch her little cheeks :)

Happy@Home said...

Oh my goodness, she is absolutely adorable! I don't have grandchildren yet, but as the mother of boys, I would be over the moon to have a little granddaughter to love on.

Becky K. said...

As you should be....She is simply adorable!!

Vee said...

What a cutie pie! She looks quite a bit like her daddy.

Anonymous said...

She sure is a CUTIE!!!

Cheryl said...

Oooo...we are birds of a feather! You're a grandmother too...and still a homeschooling mama! Kind of the best of both worlds, huh?
And your grandbabies are adorable! :-D

Anonymous said...

Grandchildren are just a joy! Oh, how proud you should be of that darling little one!

Cheryl said...

Okay...I'm back to say that I now realize that these *two* sweeties are really *one* sweetie. At first read, I thought that the little blonds were named Lindsay and second read, I realized that Lindsay is the aunt and that Kamryn was wearing a different outfit in some of the pics. But she really is adorable!

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

What a beautiful darling little girl!

Melissa G said...

She is so precious! I can't wait to meet her in October! And i'm looking forward to meeting her mommy too!

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