Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


 I was up early, for me, this morning.  I have a busy day ahead.  Lots of schedules to juggle and coordinate.  My thoughts have been on asking the Lord to help me to take one thing at a time and to Trust Him to make a smooth way through it all.  Isaiah 26:3 - "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you."  

 I have been praying for a friend's adoption of a daughter from Bulgaria.  God has been doing amazing things.  It is hard to find out about how children live - abandoned, barely cared for.  Praying for many things, especially what our response should be.  I read this morning about street children in Brazil.  It is wrenching.  How it must break God's heart.  Again, what must my response be?

 It is easy to get focused on mundane things, or a busy day, like I have today, but what I need to focus on is "What does God have for me in this day?"  What lessons does He want to teach me?  What blessings does He want me to be aware of?  How can I respond in love in challenging situations?

 God wants us to grow in character more than he wants us to be comfortable.  I tend to grow and then like to stay there...not to continue to be stretched and challenged.  He wants to keep moving us onward and upward.  Philippians 4:13 - "I press toward the goal for the prize, of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."  I want to have the same desire as Paul did, pressing on in Christ Jesus.

 I desire to see this in my children as well.  The onward growth of walking with the Lord.  I want to shield them from apathy - I want their 'doing' for the Lord to be a natural out pouring from their relationship with Him, and not instead of having a relationship with Him.

He is good.  He wants His best for us.  Instead of us asking Him to bless our efforts, we need to make sure we are doing what He wants us to do, through Him.

I am thankful that He loves me, that His mercies are new every morning. 

What are you pondering these days?


Becky K. said...

Lots of serious thoughts running around that brain of yours....good thing you'll have lots of road time to work them through. Smile.

Honeysuckle Haven Cottage said...

Well said & beautiful pics. All we can do is pray and let God guide us through one day at a time. :) Have a great day!

Vee said...

Deep thoughts, Deanna. If we are following the Lord and leaning on Him and asking for His direction and listening to His voice, we can gain incredible clarity. (Lots of "ifs" there.) In any given situation, He will reveal exactly what He wants us to do. (That's why I believe that the WWJD concept is a ridiculous trap. Ask Him! So many times we wonder and treat Him as if He is a dead god gone to heaven and not involved in our lives. We know differently, but seem to have a memory problem when the next thing comes up.)

Praying that your day, ordered by the Lord, will be a great blessing!

Anonymous said...

A powerful Word today, Deanna - hitting the nail on the head in regards to the furnace I have found myself frying in. Needing the peace and power of the Holy Spirit to "respond in love" through this time more than ever! How I want to please Him as I walk this path He's placed me on - and come through the crisis with butterfly wings.

Joy in the journey!

no spring chicken said...

Oh, but I do love to be comfortable. Sometimes it takes a Holy cattle prod to get my attention and that is not a good day!

Lifting a prayer for your friend's adoption. And I'll include the question, "what should Deana do?" Because it sounds like you've got some thoughts stirring...

Blessings, Debbie

Anonymous said...

Those are some good things to dwell on and consider, I'm glad you shared them with us. :o)

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