Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, March 2, 2012

Brambly Hedge

  A few weeks ago, Brenda showed some photos from this book "The Complete Brambly Hedge" by Jill Barklem. The link to her post is here.  I was taken with how sweet the illustrations were, and decided to order one.  I still have young children, and a granddaughter who I knew would enjoy the stories.

 This book is now out of print but I found it on Amazon for a decent price.

 I read the first story to Kyle last night about a mouse named Wilfred.  It was his birthday, and ....well Sarah heard part of it and when I was done with the whole story she decided to read it for herself.

 How can anyone resist these sweet illustrations?  That's Poppy and her babies.

The great thing about these mice is they live in Brambly Hedge in trees.  They do not live in my house, or sometimes forage through by cupboards.  I am glad of it.  I can enjoy their sweet homes, beautifully stocked pantrys and kitchens, their parties.

And I don't have to worry about Maxx.  I like to think of these mice as being of the Narnian 'talking animals' kind and not of the non talkers.  Non talkers are the ones who visit my kitchen, of that I am certain.


Vee said...

Darling illustrations. I don't think I'd even have to read to enjoy that book. I could get lost on any one of the pages.

Speaking of "darling." It sure does look wonderful over here! Love it!!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I eventually sat down one day and read through all the stories. I'd read all but one already but they still enchant me (Narnia enchantment, hehehe).

My daughter has teased me about my love of talking rodents and animals. When she first saw the movie Miss Potter, she told people that was like her mother!

I'd say that was a compliment, wouldn't you??? ;)

Becky K. said...

Oh that looks so perfect. I'm glad you discovered it. One day I hope to have grandchildren...this might be a great book to have on hand. Oooh, that gets me so think of perusing children's books once again.

no spring chicken said...

We love Brambly Hedge! I only own one but we've worn out the library copies over the years. I ordered one for my young friend when she turned 21 a few years ago. She's a wonderful artist and her style reminds me so much of these books. I knew that she would love them... she did! :)

Blessings, Debbie

Anonymous said...

The illustrations are GORGEOUS!!!

Sue said...

I love sweet illustrated books such as these, and would love to own some. I am always looking when I am out thrift shopping.
I read your last post, and will be praying for you and your dh, as you seek wisdom , grace and humility, with the situation.

Phillip said...

Beautiful illustrations.

Mama to 12, so far said...

We love Brambly Hedge and have often gotten them out of the library! I will have to start looking for them now for the littles and the grandkidlets coming.

Cheryl said...

That brings back wonderful memories!! And probably all of the memories are not what one would expect!

When I was pregnant with Bekah, Target had a line of Brambly Hedge clothing, bedding, etc. At my baby shower, a friend gave me a darling set of baby lotion and shampoo and soap, of course, with some sweet Brambly Hedge illustrations on the label. They smelled SOoooooooo wonderful on my baby, that I can still smell that luscious Brambly-baby smell as I see those pictures.

We did come across several of the books at various places later on. Precious stories...precious illustrations...precious memories! (Thanks!)

P.S. I am smiling at your description of the talking and the non-talking mice, and agree that kitchen mice are certainly the non-talking kind. :-D

Boho Farm and Home said...

I llike talking animals fits in perfectly with our wanting to live like Hobbits! :)

deborah said...

I love children's books and that one looks darling! Adorable illustrations, for sure!

Ella said...

My name is Ella and I am in love with Brambly Hedge.
I created many of those enchanting adorable mice and they are for sale in my shop.
Have a look!
Ella from dollsandbunnies

Home Keeping

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