Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Garden

 These photos were taken a few days ago at dusk...Tim had used his day off to till the garden with my Dad's 40 year old rototiller!  That thing still works just fine!

Lindsay joined him when she got home from the store.  Right now she has been outside for nearly 4 hours planting, with the kids help, corn, lettuce, broccoli, tomatoes, onions...

 The two raised beds have strawberries!  We had 8 raised beds last year but decided to give ourselves more growing space by just leaving the strawberry beds.

 We learn many lessons in the garden every year.

 Many practical and real life lessons to be learned through gardening.  A big one?  The value God places on growing, and weeding, and watering and harvesting.  

I am looking forward to this years process...

Do you garden?  What do you grow?


Vee said...

Well I, too, am excited about this year's garden. We're going to be taking out some of the walk way and putting in more plants where it was. Though we don't have room for a big garden, we will grow herbs and tomatoes and perhaps some cucumbers. I would like to grow some potatoes in a bag and see if it works. John's making me a raised bed so we'll see how that goes.

Looks as if you've really increased your space! Good thing you have some handy weeders there at home with you.

Cheryl said...

You guys have been hard at work already!

We usually plant (and I am using the word "we" very loosely, as my husband does the lion's share of the gardening) tomatoes, peppers, a few squash, a few zucchini, and an eggplant or two. Most years we plant green beans.

The strawberries and the asparagus will be ready to harvest before too long! I can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love to garden! We have been planning and have started some seeds inside, but have not gotten the ground ready yet. My husband is making plans to build some supports and I have drawn everything out on paper. I think we will begin turning the soil this weekend, but it is still a little early here for planting. I am so excited to see some warmer weather.

Karen said...

This warm winter and early spring have made the garden bug bite earlier but so far, we haven't done anything but talk about it. Clarence is leary of putting things in too early, afraid we've still got too much cold weather ahead of us.

Keep us posted on how your early plantings go, ok? Corn and tomatoes are two things we put out pretty late due to the cold and I'm curious to see how they do for you. I'm sure you'll have really early, nice crops of lettuce and broccoli since those are both cold tolerant. We really need to get ours in!

Humble wife said...

Oh so powerful about God and sowing, weeding and harvesting!

I love gardening. I love so many things we grow...too many to list. Let's just say this year-more flowers!


Sue said...

Lovely photos, of your garden,. We do indeed learn new things every year from our garden too, and the things that God teaches are new and fresh each year.We all have a part to do in growing His garden.
We try and grow lots of veggies, and fruits too. Our strawberries are blooming, and hopefully in April we will be gathering them, just praying for continued good weather. Good luck with your garden, and I am looking forward to you sharing how it grows.
Thank you for your visit, and for your kind thoughts and prayers.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...