Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I have been pondering a bit again and this time it is about life and the way our culture responds to it.

I saw an article about a couple who was suing their doctor because their child should never have been born with Down's Syndrome. You can read about it here.  It breaks my heart to hear, too, that what some call the Down's 'cure' is actually abortion.  This family's daughter's live was not considered to be of value simply because of her Down's.

Why does it need to be cured?  Having met this sweet family and getting to know them at church, we know that Down's is just different, it's not bad - it actually makes them special!  The link is to an update on Katie, the daughter they adopted from Bulgaria.  She is doing amazingly well, in the three months since they brought her home. 

Also a dear friend of mine has lost her baby at 18 weeks.  Today she must go in a be induced and deliver the baby.  I am heartbroken for them.  This would have been their 6th child, and many people think they have more than enough children! But they have said "yes" to God.  They are willing to love and accept into their family all the children God chooses.

This is painful for them, and I am weeping with them.  My friend Brigette is precious and she says she is learning so much about the Lord through this.  Also at this time her Dad, who has inoperable cancer, is starting to decline.  They wish he wasn't having to go through this, but they have seen how God has taken this man who 'grew up in church' to a man who desires to walk with God!  They are thankful.

Life is precious - we should never take it lightly.  It is a gift.  We must defend it.  I am asking the Lord to help me see the value of each life as He sees it.  


Vee said...

A difficult thing for your friend to go birth to a child who is already home with the Lord. I will be praying for her and her family, including her dad, as the Lord brings these things to mind.

Now off to see how the little one is doing. I so love to see her smiles and her new pudginess. =D

Anonymous said...

So much sadness....

Thank you for the reminder to cherish each and every day. :o)

Humble wife said...

I was silent last week. I told my husband I could not post...and to share with you, this was one of the reasons. Our nation is in much need of prayers.

Oh how I grieved when I read of this story.

I am so sorry to read of your friends loss. May she find peace and comfort in Our Saviour's Arms.


Christy said...

I just can't imagine... I can't imagine carrying a child and giving birth only to turn my nose up because he or she wasn't my definition of 'perfect'. And I can't imagine the pain your friend is going through. Just the thought of her loss is overwhelming. Every time I hear one of these stories, I just want to take my boys into my arms and hug them tight, and shower their little heads with kisses.

Thanks for sharing, even if the topic is not a happy one. Thoughts and prayers with your friend and her family.

Dawn E. Brown said...

I am so touched reading your posting. This world is in such decline, it is everywhere. But, we have a hope beyond this world.I have 3 children, one is profoundly deaf,and the other 2 have "selective hearing". The differences are few and we are most fortunate to have raised a special needs child. Every child is special,made in God's own image. Last eve, dear husband and I adopted a 7 year old boy from indonesia,who has a hearing and speech impairment, through Compassion.We had a Fresh Air handicapped child for 11 years as well. There are so many ways to reach out,and the mentally and physically handicapped children are the ones we look to help first, as there are so few who are interested in anything less than perfection. WHAT THEY ARE MISSING OUT ON, AND MAY GOD HELP THEM...thanks again for this posting, you are a blessing to me.

Cheryl said...

Oh,Deanna. I am so moved. "Amen" to all you have said! How dare we choose who is to live based on our own idea of what is good! Thank the Lord for people who will love a child because that child is a gift. How have we become so selfish that only a child (or an adult for that matter) who is "perfect," or easy to take care of, or one who meets my own perceived needs is worth caring for? It is heartbreaking.

I just read the post from your friends who are the parents of Verity and Katie. How precious this is...and what gifts these two sweeties are! Precious!!

And I am grieving with you for your friend who is delivering her baby today. What a heartwrenching experience! (I know.) I pray that our loving Lord will be her comfort, for she will need His mercy today...and in the days and weeks and even years to come.

Thank you for posting this, Deanna. So much to ponder...

no spring chicken said...

This is so sad Deanna. I think it's a bit frightening that we have to defend life. Who would have thought that our culture would so embrace the lie of perfection. That they would think that they (mere mortals) can decide that a life is worthy of living or... not. How God must grieve over the callous or evil that rules the hearts of men.

I think everyone has a story of the loss of precious life. I praise God that we who love Him receive the blessing of His Holy Spirit and His Word that we may know and BELIEVE the truth! If our GOOD Lord has given life and not yet taken it away... it's a precious gift.

Hug those kids extra tight today. I think I'll go visit my grandma. :)

Blessings, Debbie

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