Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Things Are Getting Exciting Around Here

On Thursday, our daughter Emily will be 18.  Where did those years go?  She is a beautiful young woman, inside and out.  I am so delighted to be her mother.

Another exciting thing happening on Thursday is the employee opening for Jonah at Sight and Sound Theatres!  It is going to be a wonderful evening.  

The girls have been back having meetings and learning the new registers etc...all the tech people like Warren, Becky's husband have been putting in very long hours!  In fact she sent out a prayer request tonight for him, saying that he and another guy from his department were having to stay overnight (after working all day) to fix some issues!  I hit upon the brilliant idea that we should jump in the car and make a trip to deliver donuts and coffee.  Becky suggested that they had lots of coffee at work and perhaps the guys would like a cold slushy instead!  

So with Tim at the wheel, Becky, Chelsea, Lindsay, Emily and I went on our mission!  It was fun to let Warren know in a tangible way that we were thinking of him and praying for all those details that guests who come to the shows never even think of!

Let me tell you this is going to be an awesome show.  Nearly half the tickets for the whole season have been sold already!  Here is a short video about it!

If you get a chance to go see this show I hope you take it!

Tomorrow the girls and I will be in the Big City to buy for the store and then Thursday is a full day with Em's birthday and the show, too, so I will probably not be back on here until Friday!  See you then!


Becky K. said...

Wow! I went to bed when we came wrote a blog Thanks so much to all of you for thinking that going out at midnight was a good idea. It was.

Have a wonderful trip to the Big City. Find lots of special goodies!!

Vee said...

That clip was so cute! How wonderful that everyone is so invested in this production and that Warren is not in it alone.

Melissa G said...

heehee, i loved that video clip! It looks amazing!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...