Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Garden In March

 Some of the spring bulbs are up and blooming and some are getting close to blooming.  The one thing that was growing profusely was weeds.  These weeds did not die off this past winter, due to the mild weather.

 I started the process on Tuesday and on Wednesday I was in the store.  The kids finished weeding the front beds.  At least most of it is big, flowery weeds that are easy to pull.  I was going to do around the lilac tree outside the kitchen door and around the deck today - but it is that will have to wait. 

 The pressure is on for Tim.  He has a list in his mind of things he wants to accomplish around her before they leave on Friday.  I told him that whatever gets done is great and everything else can wait.

 Lindsay's pile of weeds....I'd like to put some 12x12 pavers in this area and make it a sitting area out front.  

 Sarah's Muck brand garden clogs found at a yard sale for $3.00!

 Kyle gets a hand climbing down from the mower - which is actually a lawn tractor.  We have a red trailer that attaches to the back of the mower that we use to haul the weeds to the compost pile. 
These are Rachel's boots - aren't they cute?  Emily was wearing them...

I am thankful for how hard the kids work to help out around our property.  Families working together is a beautiful thing.


no spring chicken said...

I agree, families working together IS a beautiful thing. Especially when they are found wearing the latest in footwear!!

Blessings, Debbie

amy said...

Love the mucks! I have my eye on some-maybe I'll wait and get lucky too.
I was in the store a couple of weeks ago on a Saturday morning and saw Lindsay. It looks great-congratulations! It is my dream to have my own storefront. If you hear of something small downtown around there let me know.

Vee said...

Amen to that! Many hands make light work. What a good idea to have a seating area in front there. It'd be so cute!

Cheryl said...
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Cheryl said...

Your garden looks lovely now, so I can't imagine how it's going to look at its peak! A wonderful family project...and a fashionable one at that. :D

(I can't believe that your husband and older girls leave for Senegal this week! It seems like you just told us about the trip! Whew, how time flies!)

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...