Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


 I think I am the world's worst blogger.  At least I should say that I fail big time at getting good photos for my blog.  Those garden photos I posted were horrible.  Sigh...

See this time though it is not my fault, really.  Lindsay got her hair cut yesterday.  It looks adorable on her - it was nearly all one length and was long.  They cut about 5 inches off the back then did long layers and framed her face as well.  

However, she does not enjoy her picture being taken - at all. So she starts to laugh, and wiggles etc...thus the blurry top photo.

 Here is the back of her hair.  Image 5 more inches!

Ready to head into Fab Fashion for the day!  Wouldn't you buy a handbag, scarf, or jewelry from her? 

I had a sweet friend check on me since my last post was Friday.  She new from her own week previous that sometimes life gets in the way of blogging, but I appreciated her checking.

Saturday we attended the funeral of our dear friends baby.  Brigette was 18 weeks along but after the baby was born, they realized that even though the heart was still beating at her previous appointment, there was something wrong as the baby had stopped it's normal development.  Therefore they could not tell if the baby was a boy or girl, but they decided to name the baby Providence.  Providence was buried in a wee white casket. 

 Family and friends came to honor the baby's life and to comfort the family.  Both things were accomplished.  Becky and I organized the food and keep the table replenished during the afternoon at their home.  That card on top of the casket was written by my friend thanking God for their baby and stating how she was trusting in His 'providence'.

Sunday was an all day affair at church.  Truth Project for Sunday School, a fellowship meal, men's meeting, ladies book study, young peoples Bible study.  We headed home after 6:00pm.  It was a great day.

For the book study we are reading Linda Dillow's book "Calm My Anxious Heart."  This is a wonderful book and is so challenging and encouraging!  Some nuggets from the first chapter:

A missionary woman's prescription for contentment:

- Never allow yourself to complain about anything - not even the weather.
- Never picture yourself in any other circumstances or someplace else.
- Never compare your lot with another's.
- Never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise.
- Never dwell on tomorrow - remember that tomorrow is God's, not ours.

Psalm 16:5 - Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.

"A quiet heart is content with what God gives." Elisabeth Elliot


Tim, Lindsay and Emily leave March 30th and are flying to Senegal, West Africa.  That is 10 days away!  We are praying for it to be a profitable, faith building trip for the girls.

Happy first day of SPRING!  With our mild weather we are about a month ahead of normal in terms of trees in bloom and flowers too.  It is so beautiful here.

I hope you have a wonderful day!



Becky K. said...

Lindsay....sit still!!
I love the hair feminine and pretty.

Saturday and Sunday were so special with our church family. Thank the Lord for His blessings in our lives and in our church body.

Rebecca said...

You blog just FINE!

I really appreciated the Missionary Woman's secrets of contentment. "Contentment" is coming at me from many, many directions, it seems.

Our daughter (married) is returning home from the Philippines today. She was the woman sponsor for a group of students from Moody Bible Institute who ministered there over spring break...Praying for the safety and faith-building of your girls (and hubby) in the coming days.


Vee said...

Lindsay's haircut is cute! Now if she'll wear a bracelet or something to let me know how cool it is, I'd definitely buy something. =D Suggestion for wiggly girls: sports setting.

What a busy week you've had ministering to your family and your church family. I would fail miserably in the complaint department.

Cheryl said...

It is good to hear from you! Funny how much you miss your blog friends when they are away, even for a short time. But that's just how it is. Proper priorities demand that blogging take its place.

Lindsay's haircut looks great...she is adorable!

Oh that "prescription"... true and wise words...words to ponder...thoughts that challenge. I am sure that I fall short, and yet, what a noble goal. I am going to print this out and tuck it in my Bible. Thank you, Deanna.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...