Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Privilege And A Blessing

Over the course of my years of home educating my children, I have read some wonderful books.  Books that helped me greatly to be freed from educational methods that were burdensome to both myself and my children.

Karen Andreola's book "A Charlotte Mason Companion" and Clay and Sally Clarkson's book "Educating The Whole Hearted Child." are two key books that saved me in the early years when I had a child who couldn't stand fill in the blanks, and a child struggling with phonics.  We all cried daily.

Those books showed me a better way.  A gentle way of educating my children, that got to the heart of real learning - not just rote memorization or learning something until the test is over.

I have found another resource that is, I believe invaluable for home educating families.  Actually, I should say that the resource found me in the form of a blogging friend Sherry, from Large Family Mothering.  I no longer remember how I met Sherry, but when I read her blog it was like finding a like minded friend.

A few months ago, she asked me if I would read her new book entitled "Homeschool Sanity Guide," and I quickly said "yes!" knowing it would be good.  However I did not anticipate how busy I would be with the store and getting the online store open.  It has taken me forever to get to her book - poor thing she has been so patient with me!  I am so glad she has been because this book is wonderful. 

In the beginning she shares how she came to the method or way that she homeschools.  She points out the different methods, and their pros and cons.  Sherry shares what she found as to how each of these methods worked or didn't work for her large family.

She then talks about some of what she has learned about education in general and why and how we have come to the current public school model.  

When I ran a local homeschool co-op I would spend hours every year talking to new to homeschooling moms and veterans.  All of them seeming to understand that what they are trying, whether it be public school style but in the home, or an eight hour day schedule with a kindergartner, just wasn't working.  They wanted home education to work but were struggling.

I wish I had had this book to point them to.  I do believe that I will be purchasing some of these books for my own children to read and to learn from.  That way they can be prepared for home educating their own children.

This book has so much in it that I am going to break up my review into several posts over the next week.

The main hope is that you would take away the fact that home education is a lifestyle...we can make it enjoyable to learn for both our children and ourselves.  It doesn't have to be torture! :)

Thanks, Sherry, for your patience with me.  I am savoring the reading of this book.  I know you will too.  What an privilege it is to read this material and to still learn after 18 years of home education in our home.

You can find out more about her book "Homeschool Sanity" here!  If you purchase "Homeschool Sanity" you will receive four of her other wonderful resources for FREE!  Go check it out!



Vee said...

I read earlier without commenting and just zipped through this time. If I were to do homeschooling all over again, it would be done quite differently. I remember belonging to a group of Homeschooling parents some of whose children were attending college classes at the ages of eight and nine and, on the other end of the spectrum, one parent was allowing her child to take a sabbatical and only study what he wished to study. Guess he did all right as he is a physician today. There are many different ways to learn and each child learns differently.

Cheryl said...

Twenty-one years (or is it twenty-two?) into our homeschool journey, I still agree with your title on this post. It is a privilege and a blessing! And I always wish for homeschool parents to find joy in this journey. It is a challenge, but one that is filled with blessing!

I am interested to read more of your thoughts on this new book. Keep us posted!

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