Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Popping In To Say Hi And To Request Prayer!

The week is going well.

We got Tim's shoes.

All the host/hostess gifts are purchased.

I am asking you to pray for a new thing.  No sickness.  They start their anti malarial medication tonight, I believe, and we've found out that since they will only be in the country for 2 weeks they do not need any other shots.  This is good, and we trust that they will not pick anything up while in country.  Our request is that they will not get sick now before they go or take anything with them.  We have managed to not get a stomach bug for over a year, and are so thankful.  We had a little boy at church on Sunday who got sick and had to go home because of it - his only lasted a day, but my friend Becky got sick on Monday and is now on Day 3. I feel bad for her!  Please pray!

Also if one of them becomes sick right now, it would not be good.  We are a little over 48 hours until they leave, and I have to be in our store while they are gone.  So please pray that none of us get this dreadful bug. At all.

I appreciate it so much.

We've worked out our schedule for the kids and I.  It is workable, and I am grateful to my Mom and Dad for being willing to be so flexible and such a help.  The only way it could be better for the kids, is if it were summer and they could swim everyday!  

It is going to be a break in the routine for all of us.  The kids will still do school but it will be a lighter schedule.  We have 27 days left on our school calendar, so we have some flexibility.

I promise that one of these days soon I will get back to my normal posting....I am going to paint my hall bathroom while they are gone, and do some sewing too.

I should go, I am in our store today.  Thank you for your friendship and your prayers for our family!  Oh, and for praying for Becky.  I know she will appreciate it.  No one else in her family is sick.  They are thankful for that.

Have a lovely Wednesday!


Vee said...

Poor Becky! Will certainly pray for your family to remain vertical. The Lord has all these things under control and He has a plan. May everything go according to His plan with all three groups:the travelers, the children with your parents, and at the store.

Cheryl said...

Oh Deanna, aren't there always things to trust the Lord with? I know that you are on pins and needles knowing that friends have been sick, and knowing how so much is hinging on continued good health for your family...
Of course, I will pray! May you rest in His hands, and know that He is in control of it all!

Beth said...

Aww...poor Becky! I hope she feels better soon! I will pray that all of you are healthy and feeling great!

Unknown said...

Praying for your family and all of your health. May the Lord sustain you through these coming weeks and all the weeks following. Take care, and prayers for Becky and her continued improvement of health.

Humble wife said...

I too am praying for you my friend.

Rebecca said...

Can do! (Pray)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I pray there will be no sickness for them OR you!

One of the most influential books for my homeschooling days of Beyond Survival by Diana Waring. She would often remind readers that real life experiences count a lot toward true education.

Of course, if you live in a state where you have to record everything, it gets a little harder to document real life. :)

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...