Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, March 3, 2012


I know you all noticed that my blog looks much better!  I mentioned to Vee, who has a great eye about these things that I loved how her blog looked and that I hated mine! She kindly stole some photos from my blog and quickly made me three great headers to choose from!  I love it!  Then she recommended a favorite site for backgrounds.  With the new templates (I used to use a classic one, but when I tried to use it after Christmas it would switch me back to that template but not allow me to do anything with it except update to a new template!)

Are you still with me?  Anyway, Hot Bliggity Blog has great options for differing widths for blogs and I found one I liked and Voila!  A darling look.  Thanks to she who is modest and unassuming.  Thank you friend!

Thank you all for your sweet words of encouragement - it has been such a blessing knowing that you are praying!

I also want to share something that greatly encouraged me yesterday.  A friend posted this on her Facebook page yesterday...
Hope thou in God. - Psalm 42:11

However gloomy the day, however strange the trials, however distressing the visitation, hope thou in God. He is with you, He is your God, He hath promised to befriend you, He is the faithful God.

He will turn darkness into light, make crooked things straight, and make all grace abound towards you, so that you, having all sufficiency, may abound to every good work. The changes that affect you, cannot affect Him. You cannot rely too simply upon Him, or expect too much from Him. If all, within and without, seem to conspire to distress you, still say, "I will hope in God."

Expect Him to be to you all a gracious and powerful God can be: expect Him to do all a loving Father and infinite God can do.
Hope for light in darkness, for relief in distress, for strength in weakness, for joy in sorrow, for deliverance when sinking beneath the wave, and for life in death. Hope for all you need, and for all God has promised. Hope thou in God, and in God alone. Hope because God has spoken, because He is true and faithful, and you cannot hope in vain. The foundation of your hope is laid in the blood of Jesus and the oath of God.

Hope in the Lord, whose mighty hand
Can all thy woes remove;
For thou shalt yet before Him stand,
And sing restoring love.

The Believer's Daily Remembrancer by James Smith


Becky K. said...

I agree that Vee is a good friend and a humble lady. I like her...A LOT! I also like your new look so much.

Good words of encouragement shared here today.

Rebecca said...

Sweet header...and thoughtful words of hope and cheer here. Still praying.

Vee said...

Great! Now I have TWO things from which to repent. I had forgotten about the theft.

Vee said...

Oh I was so busy ranting on about my own failings that I forgot to say how special this selection is. I copied it from yesterday and tucked it into my darling's Bible. One day, he'll find it and wonder how it got there.

Tiff said...

Love your new look and header(I'm partial to birds).

Thank you much for the words of faith, I needed that this morning.


Anonymous said...

Your blog looks WONDERFUL!!!

Jill said...

Good words of encouragement as I head off to my 8 hr work day way from my little love! God has a plan and right now it is to work...when the time is right I will gladly be a stay at home mommy! <3

Cheryl said...

Vee has quite the artistic eye, and your blog is beautiful! (However, I must add that you have had some lovely looks in the time that I have known you!)

Drinking in those words of hope...

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I think your blog looks beautiful. I'd like to know how to get my header back to a smaller size.

I thought of you today when my Tea Time arrived! :)

Boho Farm and Home said...

Aren't friends the best?! A friend of mine did the same thing for me when I started blogging. What a blessing to have SUCH a good and true friend!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Vee is a lovely lady! Your blog looks great - love the background and the header.

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