Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, July 6, 2012

When It's Hot Outside

This is how we cool off...

Or we stay in the a/c...

My mom says that it has been chilly in California.  I told her it's roasting here - upper 90's and tomorrow is supposed to hit 101 degrees.  I went outside late last night to shake out a towel and it was so steamy! Ick!

I must say that the weeds and the clover seem to like it!

I have been having the busiest but most fun summer.  I have not gotten a lot done around the house, but I have made a new friend, work on store stuff - lots of exciting and interesting ideas there - and have enjoyed the family.  What's not to like? 

Oh, and one more thing.  My amazingly talented friend Vee has been meddling again (her words, not mine!) and used my hydrangea photos to make me a new header!  I love it!  Thanks Vee!

Groceries are on tap for today - what are you up to?


  1. Your own pool??? What a blessing - especially on these kinds of days.

    Your header is great!

    Glad your busy summer is also a FUN one :)

  2. Your header IS lovely!

    I need to head to my mom's pool for some of that cooling down myself.
    It's oppressive out there!

  3. Oh heavens. My face just went scarlet. That's how you know when you've been meddling. It does add that summertime feel, though, doesn't it? It fits right in with all those wonderful pool photos. I'll just keep telling myself this. And the background is so charming and it complements that so well... Shut up, Vee. Oh no! Now I'm talking to myself...well, you all have a great day!

  4. refreshment! :o)

    sweet lil grand daughter.
    love her swimsuit.

  5. LOve the family photos, and just the right way to cool off, we are in triple digits and have been for days. Your summer sounds wonderful! I do adore Vee, she is such a wonderful and helpful friend!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Your new header is so PRETTY!

    And that pool looks wonderful....

  7. Beautiful header! How can hydrangeas not be beautiful?!

    And that pool looks soooo inviting! What a blessing to have access to it on days such as these!

  8. Hi Deanna,
    I have enjoyed reading many of your posts and I'm your newest follower Yeah!
    Our family does the same thing we hang out by the pool to stay cool. I perfer the AC..LOL
    Have a sweet day and hugs,

  9. Vee did a lovely job with your header!

    Oh it's been so hot and no rain! I said to my husband today that I wouldn't even go to the pool in this heat. To me it's literally just too hot to step outside. But I'm doing some organizing & decluttering which is needed so it's just as well :)


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