Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

1st Notecard Party

A Haven for Vee 
Every month Vee is our hostess for the Note Card Party.  Please join in the fun!
This month I decided to show my teacups and what sweet notecards they would make.
I drink a lot of tea in the winter and it is a joy to choose between these lovely cups.

  Of course, I do use our favorite pottery mugs as well, but ssshhhhh, don't tell the tea cups!
Thanks for stopping by!


Sally @DrinkingFromMySaucer said...

These are beautiful! Thanks for sharing them. Have a great day. ~Sally

Becky K. said...

They are gorgeous. You have taught me the enjoyment of tea. Thank you.

Vee said...

Mum's the word! Lovely, lovely, lovely. I'll take a set! I have so enjoyed the tea cups and the flowers and the other items that people have shared besides snow. I'm such a creature of season.

Theresa said...

So pretty:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

Cheryl said...

Your tea cup collection is gorgeous! These are such beautiful representatives (did you have a hard time choosing?) and would make lovely note cards.

Sue said...

From one tea drinker to another, your china tea cups are beautiful!, I use mugs sometimes but for some reason the tea always taste so much better in a china cup. I am trying to decide which pattern I like best, but can't, and as a tea drinker, I think we can never have to many.~smile~
Enjoy your day.

bj said...

I am totally in LUV with all your beautiful cups. Sooo pretty and just perfect for note cards.
Now, come have a cup of tea in MY tea cups...:))

Susy said...

This makes me want to break out the teacup collection I have stashed away. They're perfect for notecards ~ what a lovely gift theyd make with a tin of cookies. Blessings (**

Pamela Gordon said...

You have some sweet teacups but I like the shape of the last one best. Thanks for your visit and comment. Blessings, Pamela

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Do you find selecting your tea cup sets the mood for the day? I find selecting my earrings (or lack there of!) and coffee mug is my mood matching moment!

no spring chicken said...

Ooh. They're all beautiful, but that second one has my name on it. So, when I come to visit I'll take my tea in the rose cup, thank you! :)

Blessings, Debbie

Kati said...

Tea cups! ~sigh~ I love tea cups. I think that tea definitely tastes better when in tea cups. (Though I sure it tastes wonderful in pottery mugs, too.)

Can't wait for next week! :D

Elizabeth Edwards said...

what is your favorite type of tea?

great selection for the note card party. welcome!! flowers are always so cheerful. ( :

Donna said...

Those would make a lovely set of cards! Pretty china. I would be afraid to use it and break it, LOL!

Karen Andreola said...

Tea cups on display are a beautiful way of decorating the house with flowers and yours are certainly beautiful.
Karen A.

ellen b. said...

Lovely! I'm a sucker for tea cups. Now I think I need a cup of tea!

Lynn said...

All very pretty! The berries are my fav:@)

Anonymous said...

How beautiful! I mostly look at mine, because they don't hold enough. Unless I make a pot of tea and then I can bring the pot along and keep refilling!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Your tea cups are beautiful! Like little works of art!

Shane Pollard said...

You can count on me Deanna - my lips are sealed!

Your tea cups make such a lovely set of note cards for a tea lover like me!
It's so nice drinking tea out of a fine bone china cup - shhh we still use our mugs sometimes too!!!

A lovely post,
Shane ♥

Lorrie said...

There's just something special about drinking tea from a pretty cup. Your photos are lovely and would make very pretty note cards.

Snap said...

I love tea and teacups. Your pretty teacups make perfect notecards. I'll take a set! :D

podso said...

Your notecards are a treasure with the pretty teacups, Receiving a note on one of these cards would really make my day!

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