Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 28, 2013

Delight Filled Weekend 
You Can't Take It With You

Have you ever watched the 1938 film by Frank Capra called 'You Can't Take It With You?'  We watched it Friday night and it set the tone for the weekend!  It was such a fun movie, great for the family!

Saturday we went to our friend Nick's basketball game.

Nick is number 30.  He plays on a homeschool co-op team.  They play against Christian schools. They had a great game, and to celebrate we went out to lunch for pizza.  Then we went back to their house and visited for a while.  We love this family and enjoy fellowship with them on Sundays mostly because they live about 40 minutes away.  While at their home they were talking about wanting to rearrange their living room but weren't sure how to do it.  A few minutes later we had a plan and were moving furniture!  

As you may know, if you have read here for a while, I LOVE doing this!  With their big boys and Tim and their Dad we had moved all the furniture in their small living room into a great seating area!  The flow of traffic is good still, too, as this is so important!

We came home to enjoy a movie with our friend Denny and our friend Sarah.  

Sunday was a nothing planned Sunday so we had invited a family to come for lunch.  I slow roasted at turkey overnight, and we had potatoes ready to go as well as green bean casserole and corn.  

We decided to invite a new family (a mom and 2 sons) over, as well, and then also to include another family, so we had 28 people here for lunch.  The others brought things to fill in the meal - rolls, applesauce, cranberry sauce, drinks, desserts.  It was perfect!

I love being able to share our lives.  Our friends are going through residency at Johns Hopkins and living far from their family and support system.  We love being able to be that support for them during this time.  The new family is sweet and there are big changes on the horizon for them, our other friends are dealing with the stress of an elderly mother with dementia who now needs constant care that the father can no longer give.  They live four hours away, also, so they are making frequent trips across the state to help get things worked out.  Their hearts are burdened and saddened.  

It was a joy to give them a respite from their cares, for a while, to laugh and talk, and then later to share and pray together!  

The kids played together beautifully all day - Lindsay even went out and did sword fighting with them, which the 10 year old son of the new family thought was awesome!  Emma played Monopoly and painting fingernails on countless girlies, and of course we had to have a bit of a tea party!  Sonja and Asher KNOW they can count on me for Chamomile tea, raw honey and milk for their tea in their wee teacups I keep just for this purpose!

I went to bed tired but so thankful.  It is a joy to care for others and to know that it is appreciated.  It fills my soul.

Was your weekend filled with delight?  Did you see the beautiful full moon last night? Sigh...such beauty!


Unknown said...

Sounds like a perfect weekend! You are such a model hostess! Our weekend was much more quiet around these parts, but that is pretty much the norm around here!

Vee said...

Oh how fun! Just the kind of weekend that fills you up and would leave me panting for air. Ha! Thank goodness for your willing heart as I'm sure that your hospitality blessed many.

Becky K. said...

We greatly enjoyed having all three of our kiddos together this weekend. A family dinner at Red Robin was a real treat for this growing up and out gang.

Cheryl said...

I loved reading about your weekend! I had to smile when you told about rearranging furniture! That is one of your specialties, isn't it? Next time you visit, we'll have to enlist a few men (hopefully our husbands!) to do the grunt work. :D

I'll bet your Sunday afternoon gathering was delightful. You have such a heart for hospitality...such a blessing!

Off to Netflix to put this movie (which we have never watched) in the queue...

Theresa said...

What a wonderfully rewarding way to spend the weekend! That kind of tired feels REALLY good! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

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