Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Let's Chat Some More

Well, I finally did it.

I made my own background for my blog!  I kinda like it too.  Vee shared Auntie's tutorial last week and tonight I did it.  Why did I wait so long?

While I was wallowing in the mess of my 'organizing' this week, our state wide homeschool magazine winter issue arrived.  Inside, is an article that I wrote in the late fall.  The new editor is a gal from our co-op and she contacted me about writing for them.  I was honored and scared!  I thought that I would just rework an old talk I had given a few years ago, but the Lord changed that.  I wrote about fear!  My kids said "I didn't know you were doing that!"  

Tomorrow we are having visits from two special friends of ours.  One is a gal and her daughters, whose family has moved to New York, and the other is a sweet church friend and her kids. It will be so much fun!

This coming week, the kids and I are headed to Cheryl's home for a day of visiting and fellowship!  We are so excited! 

I am grateful for the opportunity to still be involved in encouraging moms, especially those who have chosing the challenging task of home educating.  

Have a wonderful weekend - I know I will! 


no spring chicken said...

Love the new look!! You and Cheryl keep having these get-togethers without me. What's a girl got to do to hang out with you? ;)

Blessings, Debbie

Cheryl said...

Your blog background is gorgeous! I love that beautiful color and pretty.

We are soooo excited about your visit! :)

Theresa said...

Love your background:) Enjoy your visits with friends, HUGS!

Pamela said...

Congratulations on your published article. Being a writer is such fun and hard work. But when God helps us it's so much more of a blessing.

Sounds like a fun week ahead. Oh, and the background is beautiful.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I love your background, it is beautiful without being too fussy.

Vee said...

This is beautiful! I can't even see the seams. How'd you manage that?

Okay, I want to chat more abut this talk you're giving when you're ready.

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Love the new background and congratulations on your published article!

Debbie said...

So clearly, I have missed a boatload since I've been out of blog land.

I'm so pleased for you that your article was in the magazine. What a since of contribution and accomplishment!

And I have to tell you that I like your small changes on the previous post too. I'm doing some big old changes in my kitchen. I think small ones would have been better on my nerves.

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