Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Silver Anniversary

Tim and I are headed out for several days to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary!



Phoebes World said...

Congratulations to you both. Have a wonderful time.
Phoebe x

Cheryl said...

Have a wonderful, wonderful time celebrating the blessing of 25 years together!

Melissa G said...

Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your time away.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and blessings to you, both! Ed and I celebrated our anniversary on January 1st! Great way to start the year - every year!


Theresa said...

Enjoy your time together with your LOVE:) HUGS and prayers for a safe and fun anniversary!

Sue said...

Congratulations on this great milestone, enjoy this special time.
A very true quote.

Vee said...

Ahhh, yes, Ruth had that right. Have a fantastic Silver Anniversary!

jean said...

Mrs. Rabe, congratulations on another anniversary!! I wish you both the best in God's grace for the New Year! Enjoy your wedding celebration!!!

Mama to 12, so far said...

Happy Anniversary! Have fun.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful time together on your trip. :)

Lorrie said...

Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful time with your Tim. (my husband's name is Tim, too)

Tiff said...

Happy 25th!!! I hope you both have a wonderful time :)


Tracy said...

What a beautiful thing 25 years of marriage. Congratulations!

Alicia @ said...

Happy 25th anniversary! Love that pic/quote, so true!

Merlesworld said...

Congratulations if you are together that long you are doing ok.

Karen said...

Anniversary blessings to you and Tim! And Congratulations, too!

Your quote is so very true.

Enjoy your celebrating!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Love that quote cause it's so true!

Happy Anniversary to you both!

Debbie said...

Happy Silver Anniversary!! It seems like just yesterday that we celebrated ours.

I enjoyed the birthday ball post too, and couldn't agree more about the loveliness of the faces you showed. I love the tiny little crown for the princess of the birthday ball, too.

Becky K. said...

I guess I just commented on FB...but not here yet. Have a great time! Happy Anniversary!

Cheri' said...

Happy 25th Anniversary! I hope you're having a wonderful time together!

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