Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, January 5, 2013

25th Anniversary Trip

We decided to take a few days and go back to a place I love - Williamsburg! 

A lovely friend has a timeshare, and let us use it.   We left mid morning on Wednesday, and came home this evening.  It was so wonderful to have those days away together, just Tim and I.

We ate wonderful meals, had lovely fires in the fireplace, read, slept in, walked around Williamsburg, shopped, enjoyed the glassworks at Jamestowne, ate at Josiah Chowning's tavern, found a few treasures - including two Limoges tea cups - talked, planned, and enjoyed each other. 

Today, before our lunch at Chowning's, I took some photos of things I like at Williamsburg.
The houses....

and fences...


 wood fires...




More to come, in the next few days...

It's lovely to be home - the kids were full of excitement and chatter when we got back.  Gifts were given, tea enjoyed.

Time for prayers and tucking in to bed.... 


Vee said...

So lovely...the garden cloches are very intriguing. Did you learn what's under them? Mustard seed? That's it?

Glad that you had such a fun time. Now what do parents take home to their happy brood after time in Williamsburg?

Rebecca said...

I'm glad you seized the opportunity to get away & celebrate! The fences would have fascinated me, too - along with the gardens....

And I didn't comment on The Ball, but it looked like a marvelous way to celebrate birthdays, friends, the seasons, EVERYTHING all together!

Happy Anniversary. Happy New Year!

Becky K. said...

I'm so glad you were able to get away and go! I'm more anxious than ever to get there now.

It sounds like you had a delightful anniversary celebration.
I'm so happy for you.

Sue said...

Looks like a wonderful getaway, so romantic. Williamsburg was a perfect place, it has been a long time since we visited. looking forward to you sharing more. Welcome back!

Simple Home said...

Congratulations on 25 years of marriage! I'd love to visit Williamsburg someday. Your photos are beautiful.

Lorrie said...

You had a lovely time away. The garden cloches are so beautiful. Can you imagine having enough of them to actually use in a real garden? Amazing.

Cheryl said...

Your Williamsburg photos are tantalizing! It's one of my favorite places!

So glad that you and Tim had a few days to celebrate those first 25 years together. Continued blessings to you two...

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed seeing your pics, but am curious as to what the woven cloches are for? Is it to protect the plants from frost?

Home Keeping

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