Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Kindred Spirits

What makes some one a kindred spirit?  Is it being exactly alike?  I don't think so.  Anne and Diana were not alike in many ways but they were kindred spirits.  They understood and 'got' each other.

I have always missed having sisters but it has been fun over the years to see the Lord bring sisters into my life.  You all know who you are - the ones who get me, and love me inspite of myself.

Today I got to spend the day with one of these 'sisters'.  Cheryl and I met online last year and it's like we have known each other forever!

We went to her beautiful home and had lunch - fabulous soup and bread! - and ended up having dinner too!  

It was a delight to sit in her home, that until today I've only seen online, sipping tea, laughing, talking, enjoying our daughters together....

    Her home is lovely and warm - just like she is herself - and her daughters are sweet!  Oh, and they have the most feminine bedrooms!  Sarah is so inspired and so am I!

Beauty abounds in their hearts and in their home!

Thanks Cheryl, Kati and Bekah for sharing yourselves with us.  We were so blessed.


Cheryl said...

Deanna, your words are so kind! It was our pleasure to have you and your lovely daughters and handsome son for a visit! And, yes, we are kindreds indeed! ♥

Theresa said...

Awww how sweet:) Friends are Sisters with different Parents! Sounds like you ladies had a wonderful time together! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Becky K. said...

Beautiful.....Both the sentiment and the photos of Cheryl's lovely home. You are going to have to visit again since I forgot to give you the candle I had for her....I'm losing my mind.

Sue said...

Sounds like a wonderful day for all, Cheryl and her girls are so sweet! Have a great day.

Julian said...

You're very very blessed. What a treat!

podso said...

It's interesting how we can even tell through blogging who are our kindred spirits. And it's nice when you can get together...sounds like a wonderful day and I'm glad you got some of Cheryl's bread for lunch!

Vee said...

Well how cool is this?! I wondered when you two might meet again.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! Blogging can be such a blessing in that way. :)

Oh and your blog is looking so beautiful--as always.

deborah said...

How fun! To get to meet in real life a kindred spirit from online! That is awesome! I always loved Anne's term of kindred spirit. Plus, it's so true. Some people are nice, but with some people you just click and are truly kindred spirits.

Home Keeping

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