Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Work Of Her Hands

I've grown to love to work with my hands to create usable items when I have a few free moments or when we are watching a movie.  I've noticed that Emma does the same thing - she's always grabbing her knitting.

 I'm working on a baby blanket in navy and light blue out of my yarn stash.  I am hoping I have enough.  I like to make small blankets that are easy to use with a carseat.  Just big enough to tuck around them and make those wee babies snug and cozy.  Our church has three little ones due in April and May.  All boys.  I need to work fast!

 I also like this stitchery from Rhonda at the Down To Earth blog.  She posted this pattern to use several years ago, and I made it in a smaller version as part of a pillow for my sister in law, and now I am making it for a friend as a wall hanging.

 My friend Cheryl gave me a gift of her hands when we visited on Wednesday.  A beautiful homemade table runner for my large table!  It's perfect!  I have been looking for one, but not finding what I wanted, and I was contemplating making one myself.  Now I don't need to and I can be reminded of my friend's thoughtfulness and love whenever I see it.

I know that so many of you are talented, creating beauty for your homes everyday.  

Would you care to share what you're working on?


Vee said...

That is a lovely table runner! It looks as if the colors are right in harmony with what is going on in your home. May we pray that your yarn be multiplied...that it will just keep on going and going? =D

Julian said...

I've made several crocheted blankets,and baby blankets. After I misscarried my little girl,I made blankets in honor of her. Crocheting is very relaxing for a mama of 6! I've recently finished crochetting hearts for valentines. You are blessed with the table runner,and you do nice work!Have a blessed weekend!christina

Sue said...

Everything looks so lovely, gifts made with loving hands and given from the heart are the best.

Cheryl said...

Kati and Bekah both knit. I tried to learn last winter and ~ACK!~ it did not go well. (Can't teach an old dog new tricks? Or maybe I should have more tenacity.)

I am so glad that you like your runner! I had such fun making it for you! When I am sewing a project for a particular person, I pray for that person as I work. Kind of like killing two birds with one stone.

(Why am I so full of cliches today?)


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I love that needlework and I've thought of making it myself. Will have to mosey on over to Rhonda's for the pattern.

I have a crochet DVD ready to watch in the DVD player. Been watching cooking shows in my spare time instead but a crochet scarf is in my near future. :)

Theresa said...

Beautiful blanket and I love that runner! Lots of work went into that sweet gift:) Have a blessed weekend, HUGS!

Ginny said...

What a lovely table runner! I don't create as much for my home as I used to (between being chronically ill and being a caregiver to my husband, I don't have much energy), but I always have multiple cross stitch projects sitting by the couch which I slowly work on. I have even more completed ones which are just waiting to be either framed or made into a pillow or other item. I recently purchased yarn for a lap blanket, but I had to pull it out and am starting again - can't figure out what I was doing wrong but hopefully I will get it right this time! Some day, I would like to do some quilting, but I need to figure out how to cut accurately before I can.

It is fun and rewarding to create items for our homes and use the talents God has given us, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Hi Deanna! Just looking at all these beautiful works of fabric art makes my head spin and my fingers itchy for a project. Not that I don't have too many on the "to do" list at present - but oh - for a project to work on JUST FOR FUN! Beautiful - every one!

Now - we saw Tim Hawkins last night in town here and he was hilarious! He's in Lancaster today and I wondered if he was appearing near you and if your family had a chance to catch his show. What a gift of laughter - and the Lord lifted up! If you ever get a chance to see him - DO!

Joy to you!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...