Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, January 17, 2013

A Quick Change...

...can make a huge difference!

This morning I was looking at a new feature that Melissa has over on her great home decor blog The Inspired Room. I was looking at posts on small spaces, using your everyday things for decor...that kind of thing - when I was struck with inspiration!  

It wasn't anything earth shattering, but I think it will make a huge difference in the functionality of my kitchen.  Are you ready?  

I switched the items on my kitchen counters!  No, really!  I did! 

I moved the coffee maker, electric kettle, and teas and hot cocoa from the side that had the cooking utensils and knives - to the other side of the sink.  Now they are right under the cupboard where we keep the mugs!  

Genius, right?

The jars holding pasta, rice, flour and oats, are now living happily on the other side of the sink as well!

It's a win, win, win for us all!

There is also now more room for the dishes that get washed by hand everyday.

The big difference is the visual peace I have due to this new arrangement and it only took about 5 minutes at the most to accomplish it.

Emily came out to the kitchen and said "I see you don't do much in the morning."

I have done some other things too, moving through my house to better organization.  
It's a lot of work, but it's satisfying.

*deep contented sigh*


Cheryl said...

Go, Deanna!! :D
Isn't it funny how often it's the little things that make things better? Looking at every area with fresh eyes...finding inspiring ideas...being willing to experiment...all great steps to getting organized! (Oh, and getting off the computer and getting it own fail!)

Theresa said...

Oh yes, small changes make a huge difference! I need to tackle my counter tops too... SIGH, so much to do:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Sue said...

Smiling at this post, as I too move things around in the kitchen, I like that your beverage makers are together! a few minutes of work can make a big difference. Great job.

Vee said...

Just allowing ourselves the time to mull over these little issues can provide the answers. I'm so glad that it's working better for you.

(I drain my dishes on the side away from my storage. I've never liked that, but when I switched it, I found out why. The side away from storage has more room above making it possible to stack dishes like mad. John calls them structural nightmares. Ha!)

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

It's all about making things work for you. A few small changes can make a difference!

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Silly me...I moved the contents of the cupboard rather than moving the coffee maker! Ha! End result was the same but I didn't do it with your speed!

jean said...

Isn't it fun to just change things around and see how it turns out?! Sometimes, it proves to turn out practical as well as looks nicer.

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