Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 7, 2013

Tea Cup Treasures

I recently came into possession of some beautiful tea cups.  My son and his fiance' gifted me with some and some dishes, but I'll show those another day.

 I found this lovely cup at HomeGoods, after Christmas.  It was $6.99 and when I got to the check out it was 50% off!  

 Rachel picked this Wood and Son cup called Enoch Woods for me.  It is not typical of colors I normally choose, but it is sweet.

 Now to some real treasure!  Limoges!  We found this on our anniversary trip.

 This is Limoges too!  I am using it this evening to drink my tea.  The Limoges are delicate and gorgeous!

This is Crown Victorian.  The color is beatiful.  It is a gift from two young men at our church.  They were waitering at our tea and while washing up, the broke one of my cups.  I assured them that they did not need to replace it, they didn't break it on purpose, but they didn't listen to me.  When I look at it, I am reminded of their kindness and thoughtfulness.

I am starting the year with lots of Joy.

How about you? 


Rebecca said...

So very pretty - and I'm glad to hear you USE them.

Cheryl said...

Oh, what gorgeous new additions to your collection! I adore the one from + bargain = thrill! And then there are sweet memories of your anniversary trip...and the gift from your Rachel. And the "replacement" tea cup from the young men...priceless!

Theresa said...

Love those pretty teacups:) I would like a cup of tea right now! Have a blessed evening dear friend, HUGS!

Julian said...

Wow!you're blessed!I collect teacups too&have the crown Victorian one too! Thoes young men were sure nice,and very responsible. Thank-you for sharing!
Happy anniversary! Christina

Debbie said...

I'm intentionally choosing joy too. One of the things that gives me warm fuzzies is a pretty tea cup and saucer. I love to choose different ones to enjoy a late afternoon cup of coffee. (And pretend it's tea.) Yours are just lovely!

Mama to 12, so far said...

Those are all so pretty!!

I am glad you had a good time on your trip. I hope you were renewed and your marriage refreshed!


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

They are beautiful and I love teacups which are gifts. They mean even more because there is a story behind them. You were really blessed!

Hoping to get out tomorrow to see if there are still post-Christmas treasures at a couple stores. I still have some more Christmas money set aside for such treats.

You know a bug has knocked me out if it keeps me from post-Christmas treasure hunting. But one more day on the sofa is needed before merging with the real world. ;)

Sue said...

I am so glad you didn't ask me to pick a favorite, as I just couldn't have. ~smile~ They are all so pretty, enjoy your tea time with them.

Kati said...

Beautiful, beautiful tea cups! I love tea cups. It makes tea taste so much better when you drink it out of a tea cup, doesn't it?

My favorite my be the one from HomeGoods. (And even more so with the 50% off tag. :}) And I like the one with the rose. The colors are so pretty on that one.

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