Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Christmas Visit

By now you know that Cheryl and I are sisters at heart and our families are becoming fast friends too.

Tim is on vacation this week, so we made plans to head out for a delightful Christmas visit at Cheryl's beautiful home.  The weather almost ruined our fun, with the snow and ice we had Sunday into early Monday morning, but by the time we wanted to get on the road, the roads were only wet!  

We had the best visit.  Cheryl is the hostess with the mostess!  By that I don't mean big bells and whistles, it was beautifully simple, but there were all those little touches that show thoughtful preparation.  Plaid napkins (LOVE), cranberries and apples in the chicken salad, a hot drink station.  It was lovely.

Cheryl's home is decorated beautifully for Christmas.

Cheryl, Ron and the girls, feed us lunch and dinner, and we talked and laughed all day long.  Kyle, though exploring the piano in this photo, played legos in Bekah's room for several hours and also took a walk with Tim on the property.  He spotted two white tail deer in the field.

The more you spend time with friends, the more you open up your lives to each other.  We discovered yesterday that Bekah is the family arm wrestling champ!  Except when they use their left arms - then Kati beats her!  Who knew?  This started quite a bit of arm wrestling between Bekah and Sarah, who beat Bekah!  

Their faces were so funny!  They were really working hard!
Katie and Sarah went a few rounds too!

 Who knew these beautiful girls were so competitive!  But never fear!  It was not all fierce arm wrestling.  There was lots of lovely chatting, and sharing our hearts, at for Cheryl and I.  We drank lots of coffee and tea as well.  Tim and Ron had a good time too, and have some similar interests.  

The girls spent time playing piano together also.  It was sweet to hear them.

We are so thankful to the Lord for dear friends, who become dearer all the time.  Thank you friends, for the gift of your time, your hearts, and that delicious cranberry bread in the red bread pan!

Go to Cheryl's blog to read about her new favorite word!


Cheryl said...

Deanna, your words are so very kind! We absolutely loved having you come and share the day with us! Indeed we are "sisters at heart." And it is so good to see our families growing in love for one another too. We are blessed!

The Old Parsonage said...

Actually I was just over there visiting. Love the new word and I may adopt it!!! Your visit does seem like it was so special. Thanks for sharing it with all of us too.

Enjoy the season!


podso said...

Your pictures are wonderful -- I felt like I had a little visit too!

Lorrie said...

It's so great when blogging buddies can meet each other and become friends in real life, too. What a lovely time you had together.

Rebecca said...

It was really heart-warming to hear of your families' good times together. Hospitality is such a precious gift.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

It makes me want to visit both of you! I LOVE Cheryl's decorating.

Vee said...

Well, I was thrilled to find Kyle at the piano. You are nurturing your friendship and that is a beautiful thing! Love that the girls were arm wrestling...too cute!

Linda at Apron Strings & other things said...

What a blessing, to be able to build such a special friendship between your families.
Thank you for sharing this Christmas visit with us!

Theresa said...

What a fun time! Spending time with Family and Friends is one of my favorites! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

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