Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Simple, Natural, Beautiful

In the days long before blogs, I used to be into the country Victorian look.  I had burgundy velvet curtains, round side tables with long fabric tablecloths, cherubs…I had a love/hate relationship with Scarlett O'Hara and I adored Queen Victoria.  I still like the Queen very much, but I decided that that look is really not me. 

Living on one income I became good at pulling a variety of items together and it looked good.  I called it cottage, but it may have been a bit more eclectic. People seemed to like it, but most importantly WE liked it and it fit our budget. (By the way, I've NEVER had a decorating budget!)  I love to shop a good resale store, but I try to not just shop for stuff.

I try to live by the statement by William Morris, "Have nothing in  your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."

I wanted to show you the plate rack in my bathroom.  It holds at least one book usually, and the jars on the top hold cotton balls and q-tips.  Of course, I like to put some pretty things with them!

When I saw this vintage styled Noel sign, I knew it would look perfect in my bathroom, it is the French term used for Christmas, and the name chosen for our grand baby that was lost.  

I've had this tiny red star for a very long time.  It's cute and adds a pop of red.

These little birds looked funny on the white shelf until I added the greenery yesterday. 

Remember my little pottery set that my friend Amy bought for me in Williamsburg?  I hated to put them away for Christmas time so I moved them into the bathroom.  I love the boxwood in the creamer!

It's all so simple, natural, beautiful.

Last year Vee encouraged me to take some effort in wrapping gifts.  I just love her, don't you?  I had fallen into the habit of  just writing with marker on the white paper.  The tags and wrapping make the anticipation of the gift fun and special. 

This year, I decided to do a take on "Brown paper packages tied up with string" and use our white paper (my husband works for a huge printing company and has an endless supply of paper available) and tie the gifts up with string, with a cute craft paper tag added as well.  

Simple, natural, beautiful.


Becky K. said...

Oh yes, we love Vee. She is such an encourager and a real friend...even though I have yet to hug her neck, as our friend Amy likes to say.

I love your bathroom decor. Precious in more ways than one.

Anonymous said...

My tags are in the mail!

Alicia gave me the idea of using a plate rack for the photo books I have! She has done this in her house! Where did you get your plate rack? I like it! (Since I have been looking for one :-) )

Unknown said...

Oh how I love all of this! Such a cheery and cozy home!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Your bathroom shelf is lovely and quite festive with the greenery. I love your Noel sign and what it means to your family. My first born is named Noel. She was born on Christmas day. ♥

Vee said...

I did? I must have been under conviction myself! I'll send a link to what I honestly think about wrapping gifts! Thanks for the mention, though... I do love your answer. Don't forget the show tonight at 8!

Cheryl said...

Your packages are darling...and frugal too! Win-win.

I love your decorating style! I think it is so important to decorate in a way that pleases you and your family and not worry about what is popular or what everyone else likes. Then it all seems to flow together and it is an expression of you and who you are. (Does that make sense? Or it is too late for me to philosophy?) ;)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

It looks so beautiful!

My decorating style has changed a bit from what I would call cutesy country to more "homey"... what some would call Grannie Chic.

I think having no decorating budget makes for a beautiful home because we have to love what we buy, even when it is from a thrift store.

Lorrie said...

Simple and natural is beautiful when done with care, as you have. Style is so personal, and it changes over time, I find.
Gift wrapping is something I like to take my time with, but not go too overboard because it lands up in the garbage, unless I use reusable gift bags.

Home Keeping

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