Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 27, 2013

Sorrow and Rejoicing

It's been quite a year.

So many of our friends and family have lost loved ones this year, including three dear ones who had miscarriages, my cousin whose son died in November, a friend who lost a dear Aunt on Christmas day, and one who lost her mother yesterday afternoon.

For me most years have gone by without much loss, for which I am grateful to the Lord.  This year has been different.  I feel like it has taken me deeper in my relationships with others and with the Lord.  So though there is sorrow, there is also a deep joy.

Over the last several weeks my mom had been undergoing different medical tests.  They saw something on one of her ovaries, and she had a CT Scan last Friday.  We thought we'd hear something on Monday, but didn't hear results until yesterday.  In the days that we waited I faced the fact that we may be walking through cancer with my mom…while finishing the preparations for Lindsay's wedding.   Thankfully we are not dealing with cancer!  Praise His name!  It is a calcified fibroid tumor and she'll see her doctor early in January to discuss it.

Can you sense my relief?  I do know that if that is what He had allowed, He would have carried the burden with and for me.

So as the year comes to an end, we are rejoicing with deep thankfulness and gratefulness for His care for us throughout this year.

If you will, as the Lord brings them to mind, will you pray for my two friends who have fresh losses?  One lost her mother and the funeral is Monday, and one lost her aunt on Christmas day.  I know that they would be deeply thankful.  I know they both are hopeful to be rejoicing to see them again one day.


Theresa said...

I will pray for those who have lost loved ones AND I will rejoice in your Mom's great news! BIG HUGS and continued prayers!

podso said...

Yes I sense your relief; that's such good news on your mom. It's a year ago this week that my mother got sick and began her journey home.

Cheryl said...

I rejoice with you about your mom's good news! I love what you said about His grace to carry the burden with you...if that had been His plan. That is such a comfort, isn't it?

I also appreciate your love and concern over the loss of my aunt. Again "yes" to the fact that these dark times take us deeper in our relationship with Him and with one another. He is faithful.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

All through this season I've been like Mary, pondering these things in my heart. For me it was the theme of comfort and joy.

Here you are thinking of similar things. Like you, I'm so grateful for comfort and joy in troubling situations.

We're glad your mom is okay and the issue can be dealt with.

Bloggerly blisses...

Vee said...

So happy for the good report! Loss seems particularly acute at this season of the year. I very much appreciated your perspective on faith. God will see us all through as we lean on Him. Yes, praying...

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