Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 13, 2013

This Week At Creekside Cottage

 There is always something happening around here, and this week is no different!  I wanted to show you a few sights around the cottage since we've had snow.

 With Tim on vacation we've been trying to do all the "want to do's" this week.  Like get dressed up to go to Sight and Sound's Miracle of Christmas.

 Then last night we took a drive to the Christmas lights display we like, and then of course we had to get our traditional donut afterward!

Our group photo didn't turn out so well this year so I made one on the Lego website! (H/T to Kristin @ Bits and Pieces From My Life)

Emma and Rachel went to see the Midnight showing of The Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug last night.  Tim and I are taking Kyle and Sarah to the first showing today.  Then I have to get groceries and some Christmas gifts purchased.  I am mostly finished.  That's not the same as being finished, though.  (wink)

I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas season, enjoying special times with your family and friends.


Cheryl said...

Your cottage looks beautiful in the snow! I know that feeling of "get things done!" when Hubby is on vacation, so I am glad that your to-do list has included some fun things.

Love your Lego card! :D

Rebecca said...

Wow! That banner/flag is one of the prettiest I've seen, I believe....

Glad you're having some "want-to-do" time. Isn't it the greatest?

I like that group photo. It's sure good to have something like the Lego site to fall back on :)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Everything looks beautiful! The Lego picture is unique to say the least. ;)

Hubby has worked his usual end of the semester week at the bookstore this past week. I'll be able to finish my shopping when he receives that paycheck.

I just have to buy something for my son, son-in-law, and husband. Ummm... is there a pattern there?

podso said...

Great lego card! My sister told me of one she got where all the kids were crying. A reality shot I guess! Sounds like a good week for you all...

Vee said...

The family's looking pretty cute! = D

Kristin said...

Love your Lego card! We had so much fun creating ours. Brian is has a light week next week and then he is off until March so we are looking forward to knocking a lot of things off our to-do list, too.

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