Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 30, 2013

A Word For the New Year

A few weeks ago I started to think of a word for the New Year.  My word for 2013 was JOY.  It was a good word and the Lord used it in my life throughout the year.

Sitting here this morning I think perhaps my word for this coming year is discipline.  That doesn't sound as appealing as Joy, or hope or love does it?

However, I think it is a good word for me.  I tend to be very undisciplined in my daily life.  I tend to be very 'go with the flow' and unstructured.  This, of course has to do a lot with my learning style.  I wrote about it here last January.

Unfortunately, this lack of discipline spills into other areas of my life, my eating habits, exercise, spending, managing my household.

 "For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, 
but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness
 to those who have been trained by it."
Hebrews 12:11

I am trusting the Lord to help bring change in these areas.  I included the spending because we don't want any debt at all, not even one we pay off every month.  We'd like to have more of a cushion in our savings.  We have some big purchases on the horizon, including that stove I mentioned early this year.  We still haven't replaced it.  It is fast becoming a necessity.

I am hoping to look back on 2014 and see that God worked discipline into my life, for my good.  He is always at work on my behalf, and I'm thankful for that.

So, what about you?  Do you chose a word for the year?  What kinds of things are you looking toward in the New Year?


Vee said...

Discipline. Oh boy howdy. For me, it would be just as dangerous as choosing "patience." All the best with it!

I chose a word for last year...Dare...and I didn't even begin to reach my goal with it. I don't dare to choose a new word for 2014. I'll trust God that He is going to do something with me. = / Don't I sound confident? LOL!

podso said...

I haven't thought about a word for this year but maybe it would be eyes up. I often walk looking down and in the same way look at me and what's going on I don't like rather than looking up to ONE who is working it all out. Let Him be in control and giving the guidance each day. Sigh, of course there are more words . . .

Tracy said...

I was thinking about this very thing during my run, and I'm kicking a few around. Serve. Hospitality. Trust. Maybe something entirely different!

Cheri' said...

Each person in our church family picked a word last year, so we spent time during our gathering yesterday sharing our word and how it had affected our year. It really is amazing how much of a difference it had made in so many lives. My word was "wholehearted" and it had a profound affect on every thing I chose to be involved with last year. This year my word is "free". I desire freedom in many aspects of my heart and life, and I can't wait to see how Jesus helps me accomplish this throughout the upcoming year.

Rebecca said...

I've got ONE more day to think about this, right? I sure how I have clarity by midnight tomorrow :) You've picked an ambitious one. God bless you as you embark on this adventure. You won't be sorry! ♥

Debbie said...


I actually love that word. How could you not love discipline and call yourself a disciple? The best part is that the very root of it is learning, and I love to learn.

I will enjoy learning from you this year as you work toward more discipline. Please blog it for the rest of us.

I have chosen my word (which always come from my color or the other way around.) It is...

Yeah, I'm sneaky like that.

I have to think of something to actually blog about, don't I?

Unknown said...

Hmm, that is thought provoking. I have never done a word fo rthe year before. If I could name one for last year, it would have been, EMOTIONAL...cancer, daughter and son leaving home, not pregnant or nursing for the first time in 14 years, ya, it was a pretty stretching year...I hope this year will be one of GRACIOUSNESS. Oh how I long to be gracious! It is my daily prayer. Thank you for the spur.:-) You are a dear, sweet friend.

Home Keeping

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