Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 23, 2013

The Not Christmas Eve Service

We had our Not Christmas Eve Service last night.  It was a wonderful evening.

So many people in our church are musical and performed music last night.  It was a real blessing.

I am having a challenge with loading video this morning so I'll just post a few photos.

There was also beautiful music by Daniel, Nick, Anthony, Jared, Pastor Mike.  Becky sang a solo last night, The Coventry Carol,  it was lovely.  She has a very sweet voice.

At the very end of the service, we always sing Silent Night as one of our Pastor's lights a candle from the Christ candle and then in each one passes the light - the gift of God, Jesus Christ - to one another until all the room is illuminated by the Light.  It is always very moving to me.

I love the beauty of Christmas Carols.  They have rich truths in them and I think because we only listen to them once a year, they are very special.

I have made a point this year to not listen to much secular Christmas music, wanting to focus on the Reason for the Season.  It's been wonderful.  Though in truth, I think we may have to have a listen to Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer, just once time before the season is over!


podso said...

Ha ha, it's hard to avoid hearing the secular stuff! It looks like a wonderful program, so nice to see the younger ones participating!

Vee said...

I am glad that you were blessed by a beautiful and meaningful not Christmas Eve service. It sounds lovely and I'd really enjoy hearing Becky sing. The Coventry Carol is so lovely and so very sad.

Theresa said...

Special blessings for sure:) Merry Christmas dear friend, BIG HUGS coming your way!

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