Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Don't You Just Love…

This time of year?

 The tree is decorated, the stockings are hung (don't look too closely - I need to change the ribbon they are hanging on!)

 Even the oxen, donkey, sheep and shepherd are in awe of His coming…

We're still giving thanks here at our cottage.  I bought it as seasonal decor but I love the daily reminder.  We have so much to be thankful for!

I still have some shopping to do.  What about you?  Do you have all your shopping done, yet?  I don't like to wait until the last minute, so buy a bit here and a bit there.  The challenge this year is that I have been buying stuff for the wedding too, so I feel as if I should be done shopping by now and yet there are some people without a gift from me at all! I'm not worried, on Christmas day everyone will have a gift and there will be joy in the gift of the Savior as well.

I have another beautiful Christmas song to share.

Have you ever heard this song?  


Vee said...

Yes, and I love that song. Yes, and I love this time of year. And ohhhhh...your cottage is so cozy. Shopping? There's shopping to be done? (I have done zero shopping.)

Cheryl said...

I have not finished my Christmas shopping, but I have put a significant dent in it. Ditto for my Christmas decorating. A bit at a time...

I have heard that song and I love it! Such a powerful message.

Your cottage looks beautiful decorated for Christmas!

Karen said...

I love that song, too!

I'm kind of in awe of you, doing Christmas AND wedding planning at the same time. If anyone can pull that off, though, it's you!

Have a happy day!

Elizabeth said...

I have finished my shopping,most on-line,they started arriving today,so excited!

Rebecca said...

I have heard and DO appreciate the message of that song...

Our thanksgiving gathering served as our Christmas since one of our daughters and her family won't be able to be here for Christmas. It's kind of nice NOT to have so much shopping on my mind...

Lorrie said...

What cozy photos you show of your home. This is a lovely time of year.

Ginny said...

Thank you for sharing your lovely pictures. I am trying to do some decorating in between doctor and physical therapy appointments, plus my fibromyalgia acting up.

We are waiting for the bank to send us the gift cards we ordered with points we earned by using our Visa rewards card, then I'll place a big order with Amazon. We've never had a rewards card before; it's been a real blessing to us to get free gift cards to use for things. There are a few other things to get, but not much. Online shopping is something I've done for many years now as it makes my life so much easier.

podso said...

Yes I love that song and your decorations look lovely. What a lot of stockings!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...