Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Wedding, Wedding, Wedding

We are three weeks and two days out from Nate and Kayleigh's wedding.  Kamryn is really excited!  I am, too! 

We've never had a wedding on our property before, and we have quite a bit of garden tidying to do.  We want Creekside Cottage looking spiffy for the big day.  

I had the idea of getting a lot of annuals in red and white and planting them along the creek and around the house, but when I went out looking there was hardly anything left!  I found a few white vincas, some bedraggled looking white petunias, and some red New Zealand impatiens.  I bought the ones I found and have planted some pots with them.  I'm hoping to get the petunias looking better but these pots will likely be up on the deck on the side that will face the wedding tent, so I don't think anyone will get too close to them.

The playhouse in the background of these photos is getting a paint job.  Isn't it funny how projects you've wanted to do, finally get done when you have an event happening?

Shrubs are getting trims, the propane tank will get a temporary visual cover, and the dog run will get some attention too.

It will all come together and it's going to be beautiful!  So happy for our kids, and can't wait to celebrate with them!


Donna said...

Awww...I know it'll all turn out perfectly!

Melissa G said...

We got our beautiful invitation in the mail. So wish we could make it!

Elizabeth said...

Congratulations! I am sure it will be lovely !

podso said...

Have fun as you prepare!

Rebecca said...

I'm sure it will be beautiful! (Can't wait to see what you do with the propane tank!)

Lorrie said...

It will turn out well. I had to laugh at the projects getting done because there's a deadline. It's that way around here, too.

Theresa said...

Looking ready for a wedding to me:) It is funny how an event will get us moving! I know it will be beautiful and the plans will all come together! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...