Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Break For Some Fun

In the midst of all of our busyness, it's important to take a break and do something fun.

The last movie in The Hunger Games trilogy (but 4 movies) is now playing and we are going to see it in the morning.  That time works best for our schedule, and then we'll come home to school work, grocery shopping, and Tim has an inspection later in the afternoon.

We read the books aloud earlier this year, and have seen all the movies.  This series has given us a lot to discuss as a family.

I wanted to show you a recent photo of moi and one I took today of Kyle and Kamryn after they had played out in the rain.  Amazing that in November it would be mild enough for them to play in the rain!



Vee said...

Well now, if your family has read the books and seen the movies, they must have some value. (Prior to reading this, I have read nothing but negatives concerning same.)

That's a great pic! Love how you are looking right at us with that grin and a twinkle in your eye. Blue is your color! (Or one of them.)

That rain didn't cool them off one bit. They look raring to go!

podso said...

It's probably getting colder there as it is here this weekend, You are good with the selfless and the kids look like they loved playing in the rain!

Unknown said...

You look wonderful! Happy weekend to you!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...