Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Day In My Life

I thought you may be interested in what a typical day is like for me, here at Creekside Cottage.

Today, I got up around 7:00 am and went out to the kitchen to make Tim a breakfast sandwich and his lunch to take with him for the day.  I then sat in the living room with him and got on the laptop.  He thought of a few emails he needed to respond to, so he asked me if I'd mind typing them for him.  I didn't mind at all so we took care of that business related stuff, then I checked my blog.

He went out to feed animals and I went back to change from my pj's into regular clothes.  I made my bed, then went out to the living room and read some on the computer.  I made myself some breakfast and I loaded more dishes into the dishwasher.  

I woke the kids, and while they ate breakfast, I folded a small basket of laundry.  (most of the folding is now done by the kids while they get screen time)

Kay brought Kamryn down for a bit of school, so we did our science (we are learning Anatomy and Physiology this year).  Kyle moved on to math, and I helped Kamryn get started on her mazes book (good for reasoning, and for following directions).  Sarah went to read.

My parents arrived, as they usually do on Tuesdays, and after saying hi, my dad left for bowling.

Rachel, my mom and I decided on a bit of shopping for the afternoon, so I went to put on some make up, and I ended up changing my clothes. 

Kay came back for Kamryn, and we talked about her baby shower this Sunday.  Kamryn cleaned up her school work and then left with Kay.

I helped Kyle with several math problems, and when he was finished, Sarah started her math.  Kyle then moved on to reading.

When my mom, Rachel and I left, they were done with their basics for their school day, and could choose what activity they wanted to do after that.

We checked out HomeGoods today, and I found a cute Turkey plate and a set of 12 autumn colors and patterned cloth napkins for just over a dollar a napkin.  

Then we went to lunch, went to another local store that has painted furniture and decorative accessories, then we dropped Rachel at work, and stopped at a few more stores.  I spoke with Tim a few times.  We got home, and my dad was back, and I started dinner.  Mom and dad stayed for a little while and then left to go to Chick-fil-A for dinner.  I finished making our dinner of tacos, and the kids and I ate.

This evening Tim, Nate, Joseph and Vinnie are having one of their guys nights.  They eat out and spend several hours talking about everything.  They've done this all this year and it has been such a great thing.

I went out a bit ago and took some photos of my Limelight hydrangeas.  They are looking very pretty and starting to get a bit of fall color on them.

We are going to get the kitchen cleaned up, and I'll send Kyle out to feed the horses and then perhaps we'll watch something together.  I want to work on some knitting this evening, and I do have some reading to finish for a book review.

My days are always fluid - not one alike - and I like that.  I'm rarely bored.

What about you?  What are your days like?


Rebecca said...

As with you, no two alike :)
This morning I woke (as usual) between 4:30-5:00. Enjoyed coffee while journaling, reading Bible, praying. Then Gary and I shared our usual devotional time together. He left for his Huntington job. I dressed and got ready for Tuesday coffee with friends at a church coffee house up the road. Stay unusually long this morning. Came home, got some dinner ready and we ate around 1:30. Gary had returned home and mowed the lawn (again!) before we ate. Then he painted the trim in the bedroom we're creating for my dad when he comes to live with us next month. I started reading a book (Elizabeth is Missing). It is written from the viewpoint of the person who has dementia and I see my mother all OVER in it. Hubby and I ran to Menards to pick up some corner trim. We're creating our own corner guards after pricing some anywhere from $30-$50! Home to make some chili for his lunch tomorrow with enough to share with an elderly couple. I'm going over to my dad's again tomorrow, and wanted to have something hot for Gary to eat. I'm going to let it simmer on warm setting in crock pot overnight. I'm sure I did more today - like run a load of dishes in dishwasher and weed one flower bed while Gary mowed. Oh....and I ran to get an appropriate birthday card for a friend. We're going to her house for cake and ice cream after prayer meeting tomorrow night...

podso said...

It sounds like you do a lot of living in one day!

Vee said...

Tomorrow is going to be a very different day and Friday will be a different day, but most days are the same. Sounds as if Tim's business is taking off well??? I pray about it when it comes to mind. God bless him! It is not easy to find quality help these days. Believe me, I know.

Sylvia said...

Sounds like a good and eventful day, you are blessed.

Cheryl said...

It was fun reading about your day! Kind of a rhythm, kind of an ebb and that. We're getting back into the swing of things this week with the beginning of our school year. I always love the return to routine. (Well...the ebb and flow kind of routine. You know.)

We just bought a limelight hydrangea for Pineapple House. We so enjoyed the one we had at The Farmhouse and we missed it.

What a great idea for the guys to go out together! Ladies seem to thrive on girl-time, but I am sure that it's just as beneficial for the men!

Theresa said...

My days are never boring with and I like it that way:). I truly need to get busy cleaning my storage room, perhaps tomorrow! Have a blessed and restful evening! Hugs

Miss Dishywoo said...

Thanks for sharing about your day. It is interesting to me to learn how other women spend their days. I am almost an empty nester; youngest son lives here but just finished his masters degree and works full time. I wondered if I would be bored in this phase of life, but I am usually as busy as I want to be (or more so). I still try to keep to my weekly routine; grocery day, cleaning and laundry routine, etc. We keep our one-year old grandson one day a week, I prepare a craft/activity for the elementary age kids church every Sunday and fix a snack every week for my middle son (age 27) to take to a youth group he works with. I love to decorate and usually have a project going around my house. There's always something going on!

Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...